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New learning resources - how the Statement of Purpose can help with a quality service

New learning resources - how the Statement of Purpose can help with a quality service

| SCW Online

We’ve jointly published with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) new learning resources to support social care providers to develop a good Statement of Purpose for their service. The Statement of Purpose is important because, as well as being a legal requirement, it sets out the vision for the service and lets individuals and carers know how care and support is provided.

The resources are also relevant for CIW inspectors to help them in their role working alongside providers.

The resources have been written for training providers and include a PowerPoint presentation, group exercises and handouts.

Gerry Evans, Director of Regulation and Intelligence and Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Registrar of Social Care Wales said: “These resources have been developed and trialled for us by Welv Consulting. The aim is to support providers to meet requirements in the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act and to get the most out of the Statement of Purpose. The resources are designed to ensure that providers can demonstrate clearly how their services are designed to respond to the needs of individuals requiring care and support and their carers.

We hope the resources are well used and we welcome any feedback about how they may be developed in the future”.

Find out more about the new Statement of Purpose learning resources