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Elisha Boniwell
Registered role
Domiciliary care worker
Warning for 9 months from 11/01/2024 to 10/10/2024
This was a remote hearing by Zoom
Type of hearing
Fitness to Practise panel

Decision summary

A Fitness to Practise Panel has found the following conviction against Elisha Boniwell a domiciliary care worker proved.

On the 8 March 2023 Elisha Boniwell was convicted at Swansea Crown Court on her own confession for unlawfully and maliciously wounding 3 persons on 1 August 2020, contrary to section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861, and was sentenced on 20 April 2023 to 16 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months.

The Panel found Elisha Boniwell’s current fitness to practise was impaired and imposed a Warning for 9 months on her registration.

The Warning

On 1 August 2020 you committed serious violent offences. In doing so, you breached the Code of Processional Practice for Social Care, and specifically sections 5.7 and 5.8 which state:

You must act with integrity and uphold public trust and confidence in the social care profession. In particular you must not:

5.7 put yourself or other people at unnecessary risk

5.8 behave in a way, in work or outside work, which would call into question your suitability to work in the social care profession.

It is essential that you ensure that your future conduct both in work and in your personal life does not bring you into any future breach of the expectations set out in your professional code.

Elisha Boniwell has the right of appeal to the Care Standards Tribunal within 28 days.

More information about the case is available upon request. However please note that some information may be redacted.

Media- please contact: communications@socialcare.wales

Public- please contact: hearings@socialcare.wales