Here you'll find links to resources that relate to the Welsh language and also a video of a mother and son explaining the importance of attending a Welsh language nursery and school.
Case study: Why I chose a Welsh-medium early years setting
This video gives the persepctive of a mother and son about the importance of attending a Welsh language nursery and school. They talk about the direct impact it has had on them as a family.
Welsh resources for the early years and childcare sector
- Camau courses are ‘Work Welsh courses’ which are bespoke for early years and childcare sector.
- CWLWM resources will help with the learning contents of the Camau courses.
- The aim of Clubs Welsh Promise (with the hands-on support of Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs Childcare Business Development Officers) is to support your setting from the first step (Bronze) through to the final step (Gold).
Apps for training
Work Welsh is a free online course for beginners that’s tailored to people working in care. It covers topics such as how to have an initial face-to-face conversation in Welsh with the people you care for.
Camau | Learn Welsh by The National Centre for Learning Welsh, is a fully funded online self-study course for beginners,
Sgiliaith (Grwp Llandrillo Menai) offers practical advice about good practice, staff training and resources to improve learners' bilingual skills and experiences.
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol offers scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students to study higher education courses through the medium of Welsh. It has resources to support learners who have little or no Welsh skills with the new CCPLD and HSC qualifications. It also offers 'Prentis-iaith' courses for apprentices who have little or no Welsh language skills, and apprentices can complete part of their HSC/CCPLD qualification in Welsh.
Iaith Gwaith (working Welsh) scheme and the orange speech bubble badge is used to show if a person can speak Welsh.
Clwb Cwtsh is a resource that introduces parents and carers to Welsh vocabulary they can use with children. Watch this video on Mudiad Meithrin's YouTube channel to learn more.
Other organisations
Mudiad Meithrin
Mudiad Meithrin offers play and learning opportunities for children from birth to school age.
Mudiad Meithrin's YouTube channel has variety of useful videos.
Welsh language awareness
This module gives people an awareness of why Welsh language skills and working bilingually are important. It also signposts to further resources that provide support
The importance of Welsh language and culture
This module will help you explore the importance of the Welsh language and culture for children and young people
Assessing and recording your staff’s language skills
This pack aims to help you make effective use of the skills as you would any other workplace skill, for the benefit and well-being of people who use your services