We do not underestimate the challenges these changes will bring, but we believe we have significant opportunities to support improvements for the people of Wales. We will not be able to achieve these changes alone. Working with others is central to how we operate, and partnership will be at the heart of how we will deliver these priorities.
We want to continue our journey to embed a culture of people and organisations being involved across all our work. We will continue to respond to the changing needs of the social care and early years sectors. We are committed to listening and responding to the views and needs of adults and children who rely on care and support, their families and those working in the sector to inform our work, by working with commissioners and providers to capture those views. This includes engaging with people who rely on care and support, care workers and early years professionals to develop appropriate training to meet the diverse care and support needs of citizens across Wales.
We will continue to look for opportunities to work together, learn from best practice and welcome ‘critical friends’ from across other sectors. This focus on partnership will inform all the work to be delivered under this plan.
We are committed to supporting the Programme for Government 2021 - 2026, the principles of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and our responsibilities as a Welsh public service organisation. This strategy will build on the foundations of 'Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers' and 'The Race Equality Action Plan' to create an engaged, healthy, flexible, responsive and sustainable workforce for the future that reflects Wales’s diverse population, Welsh language and cultural identity.
Strong social care and early years services in Wales will help reduce the impact of people living in poverty, neglect, illness, disability, or discrimination because of race or other protected characteristics. These disadvantages often lead to health inequalities and undermine the prospects of children reaching their potential or for adults having fulfilled lives. We will continue to promote equality and diversity within the social care and early years workforce along with how we work and across our Board and workforce in delivering the objectives within the Race Equality Action Plan.
By developing and building on the skills of the care workforce, we will help children, adults and older people who rely on care and support to maintain and improve their health and well-being and achieve what matters to them.
We will be answerable to the people of Wales through the Senedd and its Members. Following our consultation, which drew positive support for our priorities, we have considered your views and have tried to make sure this strategic plan shows clearly the difference we intend to make and how we will measure our impact. We are living in an ever-changing world and have to live with ambiguity and uncertainty. Our strategic plan provides direction but is flexible and responsive enough to make sure what we deliver is fit for purpose. Our detailed actions and activities will be published annually through our business plan and the difference we make will be shown in an annual impact report.