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Social care: digital champions training

Social care: digital champions training

18 September 2024 to 8 October 2024, 10am to 12pm
Social Care Wales and Digital Communities Wales

Become a digital champion for your workplace. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to help your coworkers develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in using digital technology to support them in their roles.

Who this event is for

This event is for anyone who’s interested in being a digital champion for their organisation.

What we’ll cover

This session will be led by our team of Digital Inclusion trainers. The workshop will cover:

  • what it means to be a digital champion
  • examples of inspiring activities you can take back to your workplace
  • what success looks like for you as a digital champion
  • how to practically support people to get online
  • an overview of digital accessibility
  • an overview of online safety.


  • 10am to midday, 18 September
  • 2pm to 4pm, 8 October