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Anthony John Smith
Registered role
Domiciliary Care Worker
Removal Order
This was a remote hearing by Zoom
Previous Care in Wales Ltd
Type of hearing
Fitness to Practise Panel

Decision summary

A Fitness to Practise Panel sat remotely on 15-17 June 2021 has found allegations that whilst employed as a Domiciliary Care Worker with Care in Wales Ltd, Anthony Smith:

  • Behaved in an inappropriate and unhygienic way by urinating in the kitchen sink of a service user
  • Stole alcohol from the individual’s home which was consumed whilst on duty
  • Behaved dishonestly about a self harming incident with Individual B.

The Panel found Anthony Smith’s current fitness to practise was impaired and imposed a Removal Order which means Antony Smith is unable to work in any regulated social care role in Wales.

Anthony Smith has the right of appeal to the Care Standards Tribunal within 28 days.

A copy of the panel’s full reasons are available on request.