Information and guidance for suppliers.
Our approach to procurement
We buy a wide range of goods and services. Spending ranges from large to very small projects. We aim to secure value for money. This means balancing quality, costs and social value over the lifetime of a purchase.
We like to work with our suppliers:
- in an open and honest way
- with clear expectations and goals
- with clear standards for everyone involved.
Our procurement process
The type, value and complexity of a contract helps us to decide what the tender process should be. We provide all the necessary information for the procurement process. Then we give suppliers enough time to prepare their bid.
For large value or complicated contracts, we encourage suppliers to work in partnership. Collaborative bids help suppliers increase the chance of winning work.
When possible, we want to work with local small and medium-sized enterprises and Welsh suppliers. We hope this will increase local business, develop skills and bring other community benefits.
How we buy
When procuring contracts, the process will depend on the value.
Estimated contract value (inclusive of VAT) and our approach:
- up to £3,000 – one quote needed
- £3,001 to £5,000 – two quotes needed
- £5,001 to £29,000 – three quotes needed
- £30,000 to £139,688 – formal tender via Sell2Wales / Framework
- £139,688 and above – formal tender via the Central Digital Platform (CDP) on Sell2Wales.
Work with us
We welcome bids from all suppliers, including small and medium-sized enterprises, voluntary, community and social enterprises, and local businesses.
We work under the Procurement (Wales) Regulations 2024 and follow the Wales Procurement Policy Statement (WPPS). We also comply with the UK-wide Procurement Act 2023, which took effect on 24 February 2025.
In line with these regulations, all contract opportunities valued at £30,000 or more (inclusive of VAT) are advertised on the Sell2Wales platform.
Contracts register
Please follow this link to view our contracts register, which shows a summary of all our live contracts.
Contracts registerLink