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Information session for employers and managers: the ‘All Wales induction framework for social care managers’ (AWIF) and Level 4 and Level 5 Health and social care qualifications

Information session for employers and managers: the ‘All Wales induction framework for social care managers’ (AWIF) and Level 4 and Level 5 Health and social care qualifications

9 July 2024, 9.30am to 3.30pm
St Asaph
Social Care Wales

This information session is an opportunity for managers and employers to learn more about:

  • the All Wales Induction Framework for social care managers
  • Level 4 preparing for leadership and management in health and social care
  • Level 4 professional practice health and social care
  • Level 5 leadership and management of health and social care: practice.

Attendees will also learn how to support workers as they achieve their qualifications.

Who this event is for

The information session is for employers and managers of social care services and people who have a role in supporting workers to gain their qualifications.

What we’ll cover

In this session, we’ll:

  • explain what the qualifications are, who they’re for, what’s covered and how they’re assessed
  • explain what the AWIF is, who should complete it, what’s covered and the resources available
  • look at how the AWIF links to the other qualifications, and how they can be used to support manager registration with Social Care Wales
  • explore other ‘flexible routes’ that people can use to register as a manager
  • hear from people in the sector who have experience of these qualifications or the AWIF.

We’d also like to hear your experiences of accessing and completing the AWIF and other qualifications.