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Social care employer fitness to practise session

Social care employer fitness to practise session

10 September 2024 to 19 February 2025, 10am to 1pm
Social Care Wales

This session is an opportunity to learn more about Social Care Wales's fitness to practise process.

Who this event is for

  • social care managers
  • Responsible Individuals
  • and anyone else working in social care who might make referrals to our fitness to practise team

What we'll cover

  • different types of impairment and examples of when a worker’s practise could be impaired
  • the Codes of Professional Practise for Social Care
  • why referrals should be made to us
  • how to raise a concern about an individual and make a referral
  • when to make a referral
  • what to refer and what not to refer
  • the investigation process
  • the support available for workers, witnesses and those who raise a concern with us.

We won’t be able to discuss on-going cases or any specific concerns you may have. But we’ll share the fitness to practise team’s contact details for further support.

Attending this session will count towards an hour of your continuous professional development (CPD) if you’re registered with us.