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Emily Jo Brown
Registered role
Social Worker
Removal Order
This was a remote hearing by Zoom
Previously Liquid Personnel
Type of hearing
Fitness to Practise Panel

Decision summary

Emily Jo Brown was suspended from working in a registered social care role in Wales for eight months after a Social Care Wales hearing in February 2021 found her fitness to practise was impaired.

The two-day hearing was told that Ms Brown behaved violently outside her place of work while under the influence of alcohol.

A Fitness to Practise Review Panel that sat on 10 September 2021, has reviewed the suspension order and Ms Brown’s progress, and decided that her Fitness to Practise was still currently impaired.

A Removal Order was imposed which means she cannot work in a registered Social Care role in Wales.

Emily Jo Brown has the right of appeal to the Care Standards Tribunal within 28 days.

A copy of the panel’s reasons are available on request.

Media- please contact: communications@socialcare.wales

Public- please contact: hearings@socialcare.wales