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Lyne Parry
Registered role
Domiciliary Care Worker
Removal by Agreeement
Previously Perthyn
Type of hearing
Removal by Agreeement

Decision summary

Removal by Agreement means that through this process, a registered person can apply to be removed from the Register without being referred to a Panel.

A registered person can apply for this at any stage in the fitness to practise process.

Applying for removal by agreement does not mean that a registered person has the right to be removed, but it enables Social Care Wales to agree to removal in an appropriate case.


1. Lyne Parry registered with Social Care Wales (SCW) as a Domiciliary Care Worker on 5 November 2019.
2. Ms Parry was employed by Perthyn Belonging (Perthyn) at the time of the allegation.
3. On 20 October 2021, SCW received a referral from Perthyn stating that a disciplinary panel had found that Ms Parry's actions constituted gross misconduct, and that had she not already resigned, she would have been dismissed.
4. Further information later provided by Perthyn confirmed that a number of allegations relating a user of care and support had been considered at the disciplinary hearing.

That you, whilst registered as a Domiciliary Care Worker
Whilst employed by Perthyn Belonging:

(1) On a number of occasions, moved food away from User of Care and Support 1 (UCAS 1).

(2) Your conduct set out in particular 1, was such that you did not adhere to:
a. UCAS 1's Person Centred Review;
b. UCAS 1's Care Plan;
c. UCAS 1's Overview Assessment.

5. During Perthyn's investigation, two witnesses stated that they had seen Ms Parry move UCAS 1's food away. Another witness said that Ms Parry had told them to move UCAS 1's food away when they were eating too fast.

6. UCAS 1's Person Centred Review, Care Plan, and Overview Assessment all set out how best to support UCAS 1, and do not include moving their food away.

7. Ms Parry accepted during an investigation meeting with Perthyn that she had done this in an effort to slow down UCAS 1's eating and reduce their risk of choking. Ms Parry also accepted that this was not included in UCAS 1's care plan.

(3) Raised your voice to UCAS 1 and/or spoke to UCAS 1 in a derogatory matter, on a number of occasions.

(4) Your conduct set out in particular 3, was such that you did not adhere to:
a. UCAS 1's Person Centred Review;
b. UCAS 1's Care Plan;
c. UCAS 1's Overview Assessment;
d. UCAS 1's Communication Profile

8. One witness describes Ms Parry shouting at UCAS 1, telling them to go back to bed. Another witness stated that Ms Parry told them to tell UCAS 1 to, "Sit back down now," as soon as UCAS 1 got up to go to the kitchen. A further witness describes Ms Parry as raising her voice to UCAS 1.

9. UCAS 1's Person Centred Review, Care Plan, Overview Assessment, and Communication Profile all set out how best to support UCAS 1, and do not include using a raised voice or speaking in a derogatorily manner.

10. Ms Parry accepted that she does tell UCAS 1 to go back to bed sometimes. She also accepted that on occasion, she her voice might go, "a little bit higher," when she needs to be a bit more firm, for UCAS 1 to understand.

(5) Deliberately provoking a negative response from UCAS 1.

11. Witnesses allege that you moved an object within UCAS 1's home, knowing that UCAS 1 has obsessive compulsive disorder and would react if things are out of place.

12. Ms Parry accepted that she moved a place mat in UCAS 1's home when she realised that UCAS 1 did not react to something being out of place, as a demonstration to colleagues. Ms Parry stated that she straightened it afterwards.

13. Ms Parry accepted that this demonstration was likely to have caused UCAS 1 distress, and stated that in a similar situation in the future, she would just tell colleagues without doing a demonstration.

14. Ms Parry confirms her agreement to the facts set out in this statement.

15. Ms Parry confirms that it is not her intention to work in the future in any capacity which would require her to be registered by SCW, and that she wishes her name to be removed from SCW's register by agreement under Rule 9 of the Investigation Rules 2020. This statement of agreed facts has been prepared for that purpose.

16. If, contrary to her expressed intention, Ms Parry should make an application for registration with SCW at a future date, she acknowledges that SCW will have regard to the contents of this statement of agreed facts when considering such an application.