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Help and advice if you’ve raised a concern with us

You may be an employer, a colleague, a whistle blower, someone who uses care and support or a member of their family.

The investigation is managed by one fitness to practise officer. If you’re the employer, the case officer will request information from you and will provide regular updates on the progress of the case.

Where concerns have been raised by anyone other than the employer or a professional body, for example another regulator, Care Inspectorate Wales or the Police, the case officer won’t be able to talk to you about what’s happening in the case.

Case officers will be able to explain the stages of an investigation to you and the different kinds of outcomes for our cases. Our investigations are complex, so they take time and often involve gathering witness evidence as part of the case.

Where to get help

We understand that it can be quite stressful if you’re not sure about the process and can’t ask specific questions about the investigation, particularly where this is personal to you.

Victim Support

Victim Support provides an independent service which can offer you confidential emotional support, or practical help and advice. The advice comes from a specially trained team.

Phone: 0808 196 8638 (available 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday)
Email: SocialCareWales@victimsupport.org.uk (available 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday)

Calls to this number are free of charge. If you’d like help in another language during your contact with Victim Support, they’ll arrange and pay for an interpreter to help.

You can call at any point in the process about anything that’s bothering you about the investigation. You can ask for help and advice or just talk about your feelings. When the investigation is over, Victim Support can help you to move forward.

They won’t know anything about the person being investigated unless you tell them. You don’t have to give your name or any personal information if you don’t want to. They won’t share your information unless you ask them to.

Victim Support

Call Victim Support on 0808 196 8638

First published: 21 July 2023
Last updated: 6 February 2025
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