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Resources to help you

Examples of completed progress logs and case studies to show how the Induction Framework can be used to support the registration of social care managers who do not hold one of the required qualifications.


We have some resources here to help you use the All Wales Induction Framework (Induction Framework) for Social Care Managers.

We also have a wide range of resources which can be used by managers to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in relationship to leadership and management in social care.

These can be found on our resources and guidance page for social care managers and employers.

You may find ‘First steps in management – a resource for new social care managers’ particularly helpful.

Health Education Improvement Wales (HEIW) also have useful resources on Compassionate Leadership, which may be of interest.

Examples of completed progress logs

We have completed some sample progress logs here for you to see the type of evidence which can be used.


  • The progress logs should be used to note evidence you have drawn on to confirm achievement of the induction standard for example; qualification completion, supervision, records, observation of practice or witness testimonies.
  • You should complete the column ‘how I have met this standard’ with a brief summary of the activities you have undertaken.
  • The person signing the standard off will then need to add their comments and you should both date and sign.
  • Your manager/appointed person should complete the summary notes with a list of the evidence used.

Using the Induction Framework for registration

For some specific managers, completion will be set as a ‘training requirement’ between the point of registration and renewal of registration.

Required qualifications are needed to register as a social care manager; where you do not hold one of these but hold an alternative which meets agreed essential criteria, completion of the Induction Framework can be used as a ‘top up’ if you wish to register with Social Care Wales either:

  • for the first time or;
  • to move to a different part of the Register.

If you wish to use this route to register, you will need to submit an application to the registration team. If the application is successful, you should complete the Induction Framework within the first 12 months of your registration and must provide evidence of this as part of your renewal of registration.

We have developed these case studies to help you understand how the Induction Framework can be used for registration as a social care manager if you do not hold one of the required qualifications.

Case study 1

Sian wants to register as a Residential Child Care Manager:

Sian’s qualification was awarded on 16 June 2020 - Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People's Services - Adults' Residential Management (England), completed 88 credits.

Sian managed residential services for young adults (18 – 25) with a learning disability/autism. She has no experience of working with children and young people.

The employer also offers services to children and young people. Sian applied for and accepted a post in the same organisation as manager of residential short breaks service for children and young people with learning disability/autism.

We would accept Sian’s qualification for registration with a training requirement for her to complete the Induction Framework including section 8: ‘Lead and manage service provision for disabled children and young people’ by renewal of registration (3 years).

Case study 2

June wants to register as an adult care home manager:

June has worked for the local authority for 17 years, 12 of these as a family support worker and five as a manager of family support services. She has recently been appointed as peripatetic manager for care home services within the local authority. She does not have any experience of working with older people.

June holds the following qualifications; she has also completed the Health and Social Care All Wales Induction Framework and workbooks (for workers) as a means of updating her knowledge and understanding.

  • NVQ Level 3 Caring for Children and Young People - July 2006
  • NVQ Level 4 Health and Social Care – Children and Young People – April 2008
  • NVQ Level 5 Diploma in Management – August 2015
  • ILM Level 5 Diploma in Principles of Leadership and Management – August 2015
  • Level 5 Higher Apprenticeship in Leadership and Management – November 2015.

We would accept June’s qualifications for registration with a training requirement for her to complete the Induction Framework (for managers) including section 11 ‘Lead and manage service provision for care home settings’ by renewal of registration (3 years).

Case study 3

Megan wants to register as a Residential Child Care Manager:

Megan holds the following qualifications:

  • L5 NVQ Diploma in Management and Leadership (2018)
  • L4 NVQ Leadership and Manager of Care Services (Units B6 and B7 which are the specific units needed to register as a Residential Child care manager, these have not completed) (2012)
  • L3 NVQ Health and Social Care (adults) (2008)

Megan has the following employment history – all of which is working with adults:

  • Oct 2009 – June 2012 Domiciliary care coordinator
  • June 2012 – October 2012 Domiciliary care service manager
  • November 2012 – February 2019 Home Manager for residential home for adults with learning disabilities and mental health
  • From February 2019 – time application received (March 2020) - Deputy manager of a care home for children.

We would accept Megan’s qualifications with a training requirement for her to complete the Induction Framework including section 7 ‘Lead and manage service provision for children and young people who are looked after’ by renewal of registration (3 years).

Case study 4

Alun wants to register as a Residential Child Care Manager

Alun completed the Level 5 diploma in Leadership of Health and Social Care Services (Children and Young People’s Management) (Wales and Northern Ireland) in October 2020 but he did not complete the unit ‘Lead and manage group living for children and young people’ which was needed for him to achieve the Children and Young People’s Residential Management pathway.

Alun was working as a deputy manager at a residential home for children and young people whilst completing the qualification.

We would accept Alun’s qualification with a training requirement for him to complete the Induction Framework including section 7 ‘Lead and manage service provision for children and young people who are looked after’ by renewal of registration (3 years).

Case study 5

Abdul wants to register as a Domiciliary Care Manager (adults services):

Abdul holds the Level 5 diploma in Leadership of health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (adults management) (England) – 80 credits. It was completed in April 2020.

Abdul was working as a registered manager and assistant operations manager at a domiciliary care agency in England whilst completing the qualification.

We would accept Abdul’s qualification with a training requirement for him to complete the Induction Framework by renewal of registration (3 years). This would ensure Abdul has covered all of the relevant Welsh legislation and is able to apply this in his practice (Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act, Regulation and Inspection of Social Care Services (Wales) Act, All Wales Safeguarding Procedures, Welsh Language etc.)

Case study 6

Jean wants to register as a Domiciliary Care Manager (adults services)

Jean holds the Level 5 diploma in Leadership of health and Social Services (adults’ advanced practice) Wales and Northern Ireland – 80 credits. It was completed in October 2020.

Jean was working as a team leader in supported living for individuals with a learning disability when she completed the qualification. She has been promoted into a manager’s role in the same organisation.

We would accept Jean’s qualification with a training requirement for her to complete the Induction Framework including Section 14: ‘Lead and manage support for individuals with a learning disability and/or autism’ by renewal of registration (3 years).

Manager and employer workshops to support use of the Induction Framework for Social Care Managers

We have a series of workshops to support the use of the All Wales Induction Framework for Social Care Managers.

These workshops are for managers, employers and those who are responsible for supporting new managers in post.

They will explain why the induction framework was developed, what it consists of and who should complete it and why.

There will be an opportunity to explore the content of the framework in smaller interactive breakout room sessions with other managers and employers.

Please note that all workshops will cover the same topic, it is not necessary for you to attend more than one.

Workshops will appear here when open for registration.

We also have some videos of employers about using the Induction Framework which you may want to watch.

Contact us

If you have a question or if you can't find what you are looking for get in touch with us.

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First published: 1 December 2020
Last updated: 24 February 2025
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