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Innovation coaching terms and conditions

By registering for the innovation coaching service, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Eligibility

The service is for people in social care roles who are working to innovate or improve their practice to deliver better social care services. We want to hear from people at any stage of their career who have ideas they want to test on the ground within the social care sector.

Who's it for?

Innovation coaching is open to people who work in social care, including at:

  • local authorities
  • private/independent care providers of adult and children’s care services
  • third/voluntary sector - registered charities operating in Wales
  • Welsh Government Sponsored Bodies (WGSB) - Wales-based public sector organisations funded by the Welsh Government
  • invited guests from partner organisations and other public service bodies across Wales at the discretion of Social Care Wales.

Who isn’t it for?

If you work in early years child care, you may not be eligible. If you're not sure whether you're eligible, please contact us before you apply. Our team are happy to discuss ideas and eligibility before you submit your expression of interest form.

2. Applications

Applications will be considered on receipt of a completed expression of interest form.

Submission of an expression of interest form indicates that you agree to these terms and conditions.

Coaches will be allocated by the innovation coaching manager after deliberation with a selection panel. You'll receive confirmation of application submission and selection by e-mail. Telephone bookings won't be accepted.

Submission of an expression of interest form doesn't guarantee coaching.

No more than two rounds of coaching will be offered to any applicant.

3. Confirmation

Applicants will receive confirmation of submission by e-mail, and confirmation of the decision will be made within 21 days.

If a coach has been allocated, they'll be in touch to set up a pre-coaching discussion and to arrange a schedule for when coaching will take place.

4. Our responsibility to protect your data

We're registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

For the purposes of this service, we collect and process this information as part of our legal obligations. Under section 69 of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 (“the Act”), we may give any person providing a care and support service advice or other assistance (including grants) for the purpose of encouraging improvement in the provision of that service.

The information you provide is used for the following purposes:

  • process applications
  • maintain a list of applicants
  • provide a joined-up service with other parts of Social Care Wales
  • contact you about the innovation coaching service
  • keep you informed of relevant training, learning and resources relating to the innovation coaching service
  • coaching activities
  • promote the innovation coaching service in Social Care Wales
  • provide feedback on the innovation coaching service and be part of its evaluation
  • invite you to attend events and networks
  • compile statistics for monitoring and reporting purposes.

We may share this information with:

  • the selection panel
  • individuals involved in the provision of the innovation coaching service
  • Social Care Wales employees
  • third-party suppliers involved in the delivery and evaluation of the innovation coaching service.

You have rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 to control how we use your data, by asking us to change it, delete it or limit how we use it. To do this, please contact Kate Salter, our data protection officer (DPO), at kate.salter@socialcare.wales.

5. Applying equal opportunity standards to our expression of interest and selection processes

5.1 These standards set out the aims and objectives in maintaining and promoting equality of opportunity and the responsibilities of the coaches and Social Care Wales. The innovation coaching team, on behalf of Social Care Wales, has given its full commitment to the adoption and promotion of the key principles and working arrangements of these standards.

5.2 Equality of opportunity is recognised by Social Care Wales as a fundamental right of all users and by those who participate in coaching activities.

5.3 No coach or individual/team shall receive less favourable treatment during the expression of interest process, selection phases, or coaching sessions, on the grounds of race, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender reassignment, family circumstances, marital status or age.

5.4 Equality of opportunity is acknowledged by the Social Care Wales team to be a positive benefit to learning.

5.5 Coaches are hereby made aware of their potential responsibilities for ensuring the promotion of these standards during their induction. They will be expected to be alert to actual or potential discriminatory practice by themselves and others involved in the facilitation of coaching activities in any way.

5.6 Any practice which the innovation coaching team observes/considers goes against these standards may lead to coaches withdrawing their support of a project.

5.7 Processes shall be designed to support these standards.

5.8 Any coach, group or individual has the right to raise formally any aspect of the coaching activities if they believe that they have been subject to discrimination or harassment.

5.9 Social Care Wales will, on a regular basis, monitor the implementation of this policy and the results of its application.

6. Our language offer

We offer all our services in Welsh and English.

We welcome applications for our innovation coaching service in Welsh and English.

We won't treat one language more favourably than the other.

We'll use your language choice to support how the service is offered to you.

If you're not happy with how the service has been provided to you through the Welsh language, please contact Angharad Dalton, the innovation coaching team manager, and we'll respond to your concerns.

7. Complaints

If you're not happy with the standard of the innovation coaching service being provided, please contact Angharad Dalton or Lisa Trigg, our assistant director of research, data and innovation, or complete our complaints form.

Privacy notice

Read our privacy notice.

First published: 9 October 2023
Last updated: 6 February 2025
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