Information such as a person’s name or medical details, collected and stored for use.
Data breach
An incident where private information is exposed to people who aren't authorised to see it.
Data protection
The process of safeguarding sensitive personal information from damage, loss or corruption.
Data quality
How accurate, complete and useful the data is for its intended purpose.
Digital care records
Notes about a person who’s accessing care and support, recorded using digital tools like software or apps.
Digital innovation
Looking for digital solutions to specific problems as part of organisational projects.
Digital skills
A range of abilities to use digital devices, communication applications and networks to access and manage information.
Digital strategy and leadership
Organisational planning and leadership focused on improving operations and services using digital tools and systems.
Digital tools
Equipment, programs or apps related to work. For example, a mobile app for updating care records.
Digital transformation
A change in how an organisation works and thinks, focusing on finding digital solutions to problems and improving efficiency.
Digital solutions
The use of technology to resolve issues or optimise processes, such as scheduling software for managing staff.
Domiciliary care
Care provided in an individual’s home.