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Tell us what you think about our Code of Professional Practice for Social Care Workers
We want to hear from you!

Do you use care and support services? We want to hear what you think about our Code of Professional Practice for Social Care.

What is the Code and why does it matter?

The Code of Professional Practice tells social care workers how they must behave in their jobs.

You can view the Code of Professional Practice for Social Care here, or there is an easy read version here.

We’re updating the Code to make sure that social care workers can provide the best quality of care.

This is the beginning of a long process where we’ll talk to people working in the sector and people who use care services. The updates will happen in 2025.

We want to know how people that access or come into contact with care and support services feel about the Code.

We also want to know if you think there are things that should be added, removed, or changed. Or if there’s a better way of displaying the Code and communicating their key messages.

How you can get involved

  • Fill out our survey. This is a short survey and should only take you five to ten minutes to complete.

There will also be more opportunities to get involved in this work in the future.

Contact Maddy Thompson - maddy.thompson@urbanforesight.org for more information.

First published: 20 September 2023
Last updated: 9 October 2023
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