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Overview and Awareness

Introduction and awareness pack

This pack, with its accompanying presentation, introduces the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act and raises awareness of what it means for those working in social care. It draws on a range of materials developed across Wales and is designed to support the delivery of a two to three-hour workshop. It aims to provide an overview of the Act, pave the way for implementing the legislation and establish a foundation for more in-depth and specialist training that people might need.

It will help raise awareness of the background to the Act and its different parts and features. It will also provide an appreciation of key differences in the future emphasis of care and support, as well as identifying changes to practice and any additional training that might be needed. The pack is provided in PDF and Word versions, for ease of use.

Creating change: an e-resource guide to the changes required by the Act

To support local authorities, health and key partners to understand what the new duties in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act will require in practice, the Social Services Improvement Agency (SSIA) developed a dynamic resource for elected members and officers responsible for delivering changes.

This resource articulates the new vision underlying the Act; describes the behaviours across the whole system needed to deliver that vision; and does this in a way that enables sector leaders to plan the steps they need to take to embed those behaviours.

The e-resource Creating change: An e-resource guide to the changes required by the Act will develop over time and reflect discussions with local government colleagues as to what their information needs continue to be.

What matters to you, matters to us

This short animated film looks at the Act and how it will affect service users. It was developed by the Social Services Improvement Agency alongside the Care Council and other partners, and it can be used with members of the public and the workforce.

Setting out the 'New Vision' proposed under the Act

This is a film by the New Economics Foundation, which deals with the experiences of individuals using services and explains the kind of vision of greater voice and control for the citizen that underpins the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act.

First published: 30 March 2017
Last updated: 6 February 2025
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