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Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act – Film
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Impact report: 2023 to 2024
Impact report: 2022 to 2023
Impact report: 2021 to 2022
Our commitment to becoming carbon net zero by 2030
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Ymlaen: Research, innovation and improvement strategy
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Who must register and why?
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Changing your registration or applying for another registration
Adult care home worker registration
Registration guidance videos
Qualifications and other ways to register
Employer assessment
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Employer assessment for social care worker registration
Frequently asked questions about our employer assessment route to registration
Endorsing an application
The documents we need and how to send them
Leaving the Register
Employers and HEIs responsibilities
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Frequently asked questions from employers and signatories
Your responsibilities as a registered person
How we can support you
Codes of Professional Practice and guidance
Registering if you qualified outside the UK
Returning to social work practice
Dealing with concerns
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Investigating concerns in your workplace
How we deal with concerns
Raise a concern about a social care worker
Codes of Professional Practice and guidance
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How do hearings work
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Hearing outcomes
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Being a witness for Social Care Wales at a hearing
Fitness to practise hearings rules and guidance
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Qualification and standards updates for managers and employers
Health and social care qualifications and standards events
Social work qualifications
Social work degree funding
Induction frameworks
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Induction frameworks - home
Induction framework for health and social care
Induction framework for social care managers
Induction framework for early years and childcare
Induction framework for early years and childcare managers
Guidance for learners, managers and employers on completing qualifications
Work placement guide
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Learning providers
Competency framework for independent advocates
Competency Framework for the Information, Advice and Assistance (IAA) Workforce
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
International early years and childcare qualifications
Information and guidance on finding a qualification
Guidance for managers of Night residential child care workers
Resources and guidance
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Social workers
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Social workers - home
Social Work Week 2025
Codes of Professional Practice and guidance
Registration guidance videos
Strengths-based practice
Regulation of social work education and training
Recognising and responding to domestic violence and abuse
Family justice
National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Infection prevention and control
The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Social work students
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Codes of Professional Practice and guidance
Registration guidance videos
Strengths-based practice
Social work degree funding
National Occupational Standards (NOS)
The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Social care workers
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Social care workers - home
Codes of Professional Practice and guidance
Registration guidance videos
Induction framework for health and social care
Strengths-based practice
Effective supervision in social care, early years and childcare
Guidance for learners, managers and employers on completing qualifications
Working with unpaid carers
Positive approaches: reducing restrictive practices in social care
Quality Assured Lifelong Learning (QALL)
National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Family justice
Assistive technology
Infection prevention and control
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Social care managers and employers
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Social care managers and employers - home
Registration guidance videos
Codes of Professional Practice and guidance
Induction framework for social care managers
Strengths-based practice
Effective supervision in social care, early years and childcare
Guidance for learners, managers and employers on completing qualifications
First steps in management – a resource for new social care managers
Professional boundaries: A resource for managers
Compassionate leadership
Positive approaches: reducing restrictive practices in social care
Recognising and preventing delirium
National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Resources to support social care employers to meet service standard regulations
Assistive technology
Supporting volunteers in social care
All Wales Guidelines for Delegation
Employing 16 and 17 year olds in the social care sector in Wales
Infection prevention and control
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Advice for emergency staffing situations – mutual aid
The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Early years and childcare
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Early years and childcare - home
Early years and childcare information and training programme
Qualifications and the All Wales induction framework for early years and childcare
Infection prevention and control
Welsh language resources for early years and childcare
Information and guidance for employers and workers
Well-being information for early years and childcare workers
Rights and strengths-based practice
Induction framework for early years and childcare
Early years and childcare resources
Care worker card
Learning modules
Information for the public
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Information for the public - home
Codes of Professional Practice and guidance
Infection prevention and control
Care homes
Learning modules
Improving care and support
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Improving care and support - home
Compassionate leadership
Your health and well-being
Strengths-based practice
Improving well-being using community resourcefulness
Social care for children and families
People with dementia
Care and support at home
Your health and well-being
Care worker card
Research, data and innovation
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Research, data and innovation - home
Ymlaen: The research, innovation and improvement strategy for social care 2024 to 2029
Getting evidence into practice
Have Your Say survey
Innovation coaching service
Understand your digital potential
Strategic approach to data
National social care data portal for Wales
Social care data maturity
Workforce reports
Workforce Race Equality Standard
Linked data research
NHS Wales e-Library access for registered social workers and social care managers
Curated research
Information and Learning Hub
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Information and Learning Hub - home
Social services and well-being
Regulation and inspection
Learning resources
Supporting people arriving from Ukraine
Employer support
Using Welsh at work
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Using Welsh at work - home
Welsh language in social care conference - 5 March 2025
Information for employers
Information for workers
Welsh language resources
Camau Welsh language course
Let’s hear from practitioners and individuals who use services
Policy and legislation
Videos to help us understand social care in Wales
Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act – Film
Last updated: 29 July 2022