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Carers and the Act


For the first time, the Act gives carers the same rights as those they care for and as such they are referred to throughout the Act.

These resources have been developed by Carers Wales and Carers Trust Wales. They include a training module, a summary of the key messages and case studies, which give an overview of the key aspects of the Act in relation to unpaid carers.

Carers Wales and Carers Trust Wales have also developed the Carers Resource Pack, which provides a range of useful resources for unpaid carers in Wales, including factsheets and briefings, research, and toolkits and guidance.

Case studies

Four short case studies describing everyday situations for unpaid carers.

Carers resource pack – factsheets and briefings

Below, you'll find a series of 14 factsheets and briefings on topics that relate to caring under the Act.

Carers resource pack – research

These five documents present research commissioned by Carers Wales and Carers Trust Wales.

Carers resource pack – toolkits and guidance

Below, you'll find toolkits and guidance for working with carers.

First published: 5 April 2017
Last updated: 6 February 2025
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