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Our Board’s climate emergency declaration

We, the Social Care Wales Board, recognise that the climate crisis poses a significant threat to the health, well-being, safety and prosperity of our communities. We are deeply concerned about its potentially catastrophic impact on the future of our people and our planet. 

As an organisation dedicated to promoting social care in Wales, we recognise our responsibility to address the urgent challenge of climate crisis.

We’re committed to taking immediate and decisive action to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to support the Welsh Government’s Net Zero 2030 Pledge for public sector organisations. 

In declaring a climate emergency, we will:   

  • develop a comprehensive ‘Climate action plan’ that sets out ambitious and measurable targets for reducing our carbon footprint and fosters a culture of sustainability across our organisation 
  • put best practices in place so we can be as efficient as possible with our resources, reduce our waste and have sustainable procurement across all our operations, including our supply chain 
  • encourage and support our staff, partners and stakeholders to adopt more sustainable practices in their personal and professional lives
  • collaborate with other organisations, experts and leaders to promote the adoption of climate action by sharing knowledge, expertise and resources, and scale up our impact 
  • advocate for policy changes at local and national levels to speed up the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable and resilient future for social care in Wales 
  • acknowledge the impact of the climate crisis in our planning and policies, and make plans for climate adaption, as well as preventing and reducing our carbon emissions, in recognition of the current climate projections. 

We recognise that achieving our climate goals will need dedication, innovation and perseverance. But we’re committed to playing our part in creating a sustainable and equitable future for all. 

First published: 28 November 2023
Last updated: 4 December 2023
Series last updated: 4 December 2023
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