Our aim is to provide Wales with a high-quality and skilled workforce, which is large enough to meet the demands placed on it.
Developing the workforce
The Social care workforce delivery plan 2024 to 2027 has now been launched.
The workforce delivery plan sets out the social care actions for ‘A Healthier Wales: Our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care’ to 2027, which we worked with Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) to develop and was launched in 2020 setting out the aims for the workforce over 10 years
The delivery plan builds on the workforce strategy’s progress since 2020. It includes actions based on the feedback we heard during our engagement work, consultation and the workforce survey and we would like to thank everyone for their support and contributions.
If you would like more information about the workforce strategy, contact workforcestrategy@socialcare.wales.
Working together
Together with HEIW we’ve published our priorities for phase two of A Healthier Wales, our workforce strategy for health and social care.
Annual report
Our annual reports summarise the main areas of progress achieved since the launch of the workforce strategy.
Read our annual report
Read the A Healthier Wales phase one report
Workforce plans
As part of the ambition of the workforce strategy, we developed and published three workforce plans to support A Healthier Wales: Our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care.
The plans are:
Strategic mental health workforce plan for health and social care
The Strategic mental health workforce plan for health and social care, developed with HEIW, is our way of bringing about change and improvements in how we develop, value and support our specialist mental health workforce, and recognise the important role they play.
Read the plan
Social work workforce plan: 2022 to 2025
We’ve developed a social work workforce plan to support A Healthier Wales: Our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care. It explains how we’ll support the social work profession to address the challenges it currently faces, so that it can provide the best possible care and support to people.
Read the plan
Direct care workforce plan: 2022 to 2025
We’ve written a direct care workforce plan to support A Healthier Wales: Our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care. It explains what we’ll do to support direct care workers so they feel cared for, work in a compassionate and inclusive culture, and feel valued for their work.
Read the plan
Social Care Wales Workforce Development Grant (SCWWDP)
The Social Care Wales Workforce Development Grant (SCWWDP) is a long-established grant programme to support training and workforce development across social care in Wales.
Read about SCWWDP,