The Social care workforce delivery plan 2024 to 2027 includes our actions for the second phase of the Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy.
Ministerial foreword
I am pleased to endorse the publication of this important Social Care Workforce Delivery Plan 2024 to 2027. It is a privilege to have recently been appointed the new Minister for Social Care, and I am looking forward to driving the change we know this social care workforce need and deserve.
The delivery of health and social care to the people of Wales is entirely dependent on our workforce. The well-being of the workforce is incredibly important, both for people providing and receiving care. Compassionate and high-quality care is delivered best by individuals who are positive about their role and the organisation they work in. We are committed to supporting the sector and want well-being at the heart of our plans for the workforce.
Since the publication of the Workforce Strategy, we have, and continue to encounter significant challenges such as the Covid 19 pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis and the continuing increasing demand for care and support. With an ever-changing backdrop the sector has needed to innovate and adapt. It is important we continue to review the policies and actions within all of our workforce plans to ensure learning from approaches we have taken, build upon the sectors successes and ensure we are taking the right steps to support our social care workforce.
Building on the Health and Social Care Strategy, Social Care Wales working with Welsh Government have now developed this Delivery Plan for 2024 to 2027 focusing on the social care workforce. This plan builds on progress made so far and outlines further development areas based on engagement with the sector. The draft delivery plan was published for a three-month consultation period in 2023, ensuring the voice of the workforce, stakeholders and those receiving care directly shaped the content.
Last year Social Care Wales published a workforce survey providing a unique opportunity for the social care workforce to reflect further on your experiences and give views on a range of issues which directly affect you. It clearly highlighted the outstanding commitment of our social care workforce and the incredible role you play in supporting our social care services in Wales. Although we were pleased to see a number of positive findings, we recognise there is much more to do to ensure our workforce feel valued and has the best possible support available. I am pleased that early indications suggest take up of this year’s workforce survey in early 2024 has increased, which means even more of you have taken the opportunity to share your experiences and views which will continue to inform our work moving forward.
We know the demand for social care will continue to grow, so it’s essential we have effective workforce planning systems in place to meet this demand. We recognise there are no quick and easy ways to make the sustainable change that we want, but with our commitment, partnership working, the dedicated and skilled workforce already in place, I am confident we overcome our current challenges.
I want to thank Social Care Wales for developing this plan and all those who have taken part in consultations, surveys and general feedback which has directly influenced the content of this plan. My biggest thank you and sincere gratitude goes to the social care workforce. The work you do supports people today, but also plants seeds that will grow into the future of social care in Wales. What you do has impact now and for future generations. You are valued and what you do is essential to creating a better Wales.
Dawn Bowden MS, Minister for Social Care
We want the health and social care workforce to be motivated, engaged and valued, with the capacity, competence, and confidence to meet the care and support needs of the people of Wales.
Significant progress has already been made, as you can see in our delivery plan annual report. But social care continues to face major workforce challenges. It’s difficult to attract people into the sector, recruit enough staff and retain the existing workforce.
The workforce is committed to supporting what matters to children, adults and their carers across every community in Wales. But you’ve told us you’re feeling the ongoing pressure to keep services going, keep people safe and meet increasing demand. Staff well-being is also being affected by increased levels of stress, fatigue and burnout, along with perceived poor working conditions and a lack of professional development opportunities.
It's a priority for all stakeholders to work together to solve these workforce issues. We must act quickly to deal with existing challenges and attract new people into the workforce. We need to create the right conditions to allow people to deliver quality services.
Throughout the engagement and consultation work, and in the workforce survey, we consistently heard that terms and conditions for the paid workforce need to be improved. This includes pay, but also wider terms and conditions such as flexible working and policies for areas like travel, training, sickness and maternity leave. We also heard that the status of the sector needs to be improved so it’s perceived in the same way as health. There needs to be a collective voice at all levels on this.
This workforce delivery plan sets out a wide range of actions to build on the momentum that has already started.
The Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy set out for the first time, a 10-year plan of priorities for the workforce in Wales. This 2024 to 2027 workforce delivery plan builds on the progress made so far and includes developments based on feedback we received during our engagement work with the sector, our consultation, and the workforce survey. The plan describes the actions that will help to move the social care workforce forward over the next three years.
We want to improve services in Wales in line with the ambitions of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act and Welsh Government’s A healthier Wales plan for health and social care, to provide care closer to home and improve the quality of support for children and adults of all ages.
The pandemic had a significant effect on the workforce and our communities, especially for people who rely on good quality care and support and their carers. There’s greater pressure on the sector caused by more families living in poverty, and increased demands because of an ageing population and higher life expectancy. We learned from the first workforce survey that these pressures affect people’s stress levels in work. Of those we surveyed, 28 per cent also said that worrying about things outside work causes them stress while carrying out their job.
The social care workforce is employed by a range of statutory, private and voluntary providers, which are critical to providing quality services. Volunteers and unpaid carers are also essential and play an extensive role. The actions included in this workforce delivery plan, where relevant, apply to foster carers, volunteers and unpaid carers as much as they do to the more traditional definition of the workforce. We’ll need to work with national organisations for fosters carers, volunteers and unpaid carers to maximise the potential of these actions alongside other existing programmes of work.
Fundamental principles
This workforce delivery plan builds on the strategy’s ambitions to make sure the workforce has fair and equitable opportunities. It also embraces the recommendations laid out in the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Is Wales Fairer? report.
We made sure that the fundamental principles of workforce well-being, the Welsh language and inclusion were woven into all the actions of the strategy. Our goal is that the actions in this workforce delivery plan continue to have all three at their centre.
When we developed the strategy in 2019, there was already increasing and compelling evidence linking the well-being, capability and engagement of the health and social care workforce to improved outcomes for people who use health, care and support services. The pandemic increased the level of concern for the workforce’s well-being, and over the last three years there have been significant efforts to provide staff with support.
A quarter of the actions in this workforce delivery plan fall into the first theme of an engaged, motivated and healthy workforce. It’s clear from what we heard during our engagement work and consultation that as well as considering support, we also need to think about how we create the right environment for practice. This means tackling important issues such as workloads, sufficient staffing, and workforce planning.
Well-being therefore remains embedded across all themes of this workforce delivery plan and is supported by the ‘'Your well-being matters: workforce health and well-being framework'.
Welsh language
We know how important it is for individuals and their carers to access services in the language of their choice, and we have many positive examples from across the workforce. Your feedback about the Welsh language was clear. We need to change people’s perception that their Welsh should be perfect, and we must help people gain the confidence to speak Welsh, without them fearing they’ll be judged for it not being of a high enough standard. You want learning Welsh to be seen as a positive and fun opportunity that can make an important contribution to your work and to people accessing care and support.
As with the other important principles of inclusion and well-being, the Welsh language will be central to how most actions are delivered, so it becomes part of the solution rather than a separate solution.
The workforce delivery plan will build on and reflect the foundations of the Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015), and Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers to create an engaged, healthy, flexible, responsive and sustainable workforce for the future that reflects Wales’s diverse population, cultural identity and the Welsh language.
Together with Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) we were heavily involved in developing the workforce actions of the Mwy na geiriau five-year plan and we’re committed to the workforce using the Welsh language as much as possible day-to-day. The workforce delivery plan identifies the actions we should take to support this ambition and build on the work already completed to support a bilingual workforce. These include our WeCare Wales campaign about the Welsh language at work, workforce data to better understand the skills that already exist within the workforce, and the range of resources available to support using Welsh at work.
The feedback we heard during our engagement work confirms there’s more to be done to make the social care sector fully inclusive. We need to do more to reach the less heard voices in our workforce, and we need to train and educate people at all levels about what true inclusion means.
The workforce survey had many positive findings. Some of the more underrepresented groups such as males, under 35s and those from an ethnic minority background have the most aspiration to become leaders of the future. But, we also found that 37 per cent of registered people experienced bullying, discrimination or harassment at work. We’re working to find out more about these experiences and how we can provide support.
We’ve contributed to and responded to several plans that will help us become a more inclusive and compassionate sector. These include:
- Mwy na geiriau
- Anti Racist Wales Action Plan
- LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales
- Learning Disability Action Plan for Wales
- HIV Action Plan for Wales
- Strategy for Unpaid Carers.
This workforce delivery plan complements the ambitions of the plans listed above. Each action aims to contribute to creating a culture of inclusion, fairness and equity across our workforce.
Social care workforce profile
Our social care workforce is our greatest asset. It’s vital that we have high-quality and complete information about the workforce, to help improve the planning and delivery of health and social care services. Better planning will improve outcomes for people who use care services in Wales, both now and in the future.
We recognise that we need to improve our understanding of our workforce and we’ll need to develop analytical methods and more sophisticated modelling techniques to support workforce planning, development and productivity across social care. This work is covered in Theme 7: Workforce supply and shape.
This section gives an overview of the social care workforce in Wales, using data from the latest Workforce data collection. Unless stated otherwise it’s a snapshot as of March 2022.
Workforce demographics
- As of March 2022, the total social care workforce is 84,134 people. This is seven per cent less than 2021.
- In March 2024, 60,600 people were part of the professional regulated workforce.
- The workforce continues to be mainly female (82 per cent), with male workers remaining a minority (18 per cent).
- The workforce’s age profile is distributed through the whole working life age range, with the highest proportion (25 per cent) aged 46 to 55.
- Only eight per cent of the workforce is aged 16 to 25. Three per cent is aged 65 or older.
- Commissioned service providers have a generally younger workforce compared to local authority providers.
- From a workforce planning point of view, workers aged over 55 may retire within the next ten years. This age category currently accounts for nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of the social care workforce.
- The ethnicity of the social care workforce broadly mirrors that of the Welsh population. The exception is in the proportion of Black (or Black British) workers, which is around two and a half times more than in the Welsh population as a whole.
- The social care workforce is now less ethnically diverse, with 95 per cent of workers reporting as white in 2022, compared to 89 per cent in 2021.
- Around 29 per cent of the workforce can understand some Welsh, which closely mirrors that of the Welsh population as a whole. Data collected from the Annual Population Survey in 2022 states that 26 per cent of Wales’s population aged 16 or over can speak Welsh.
- Most (80 per cent) of the workforce are employed on permanent contracts and work full time (48 per cent). Full time is defined as 36 hours or more a week, for the purposes of workforce data collection.
- There’s a slightly higher proportion of workers working up to 16 hours a week in local authority services (18 per cent) compared to commissioned services (11 per cent).
- Eleven per cent of the social care workforce are employed on zero hours contracts.
Recruitment and retention
- There were 5,323 posts vacant within the social care workforce in 2022, representing nine per cent of the total workforce.
- The estimated number of total vacant posts within the workforce has decreased by four per cent since 2021, when the figure was 5,581.
- Although most vacancies (62 per cent) are experienced by commissioned providers, the vacancies experienced by local authorities (38 per cent) has increased by six per cent compared to 2021.
- These vacancies are against a backdrop of anticipated growth required to meet the increasing demand on social care services because of the changing demography profiles of people living longer, and a focus to provide more care closer to home.
Care workers
- As of March 2022, there were 31,344 care workers working in Wales, accounting for 51 per cent of all filled posts in the social care sector.
- Most work in residential (47 per cent) and domiciliary care (30 per cent) services, with 17 per cent working in supported-living services and six per cent in day services.
- Not all commissioned providers took part in the annual workforce data collection (there was a 68 per cent response rate), so the number of care workers reported in the annual survey is undoubtedly lower. When compared, the number of registered social care workers in Wales as of May 2023 was 45,000.
- The gender split for care workers is broadly in line with what we see across the whole social care workforce in Wales, with women occupying most posts (81 per cent). But, double the average proportion of men work in child residential care services or settings (38 per cent).
- The age profile of care workers is generally evenly distributed through the working life age range, aged 26 to 65. A lower proportion are aged under 25 (11 per cent) and over 65 (three per cent). In terms of service/setting type, there’s a younger care worker profile within children’s residential care services/settings, with more than a third (37 per cent) of care workers aged 26 to 35 years old.
- Most care workers work part time, up to 35 hours a week (65 per cent). Compared to 2021 (59 per cent), the proportion working part time has increased slightly.
- More than three quarters (77 per cent) are employed on a permanent contract, which is the same as 2021.
- The proportion of care workers working on a zero hours contract has decreased slightly from 19 per cent in 2021 to 16 per cent in 2022.
- In 2022 there were 3,205 care worker vacancies, which represents a vacancy rate of 10 per cent of the care worker workforce. Of these vacant posts, 91 per cent were vacancies to be filled and nine per cent were purposely left unfilled by the employer.
- The data suggests that 5,329 care workers joined the sector in 2022 and 5,595 left, giving a net decrease of 266 staff.
- 75 per cent of care workers hold the qualifications needed to work in the sector, 22 per cent are working towards the required qualifications and four per cent are working through an apprenticeship.
Social workers
- As of September 2023, there were 6,736 social workers registered with us. This is an increase of 185 people, or three per cent, compared to September 2022.
- The significant growth in the numbers of registered social workers coincides with local authorities’ investment in ‘growing their own’ social workers.
- Comparing the number of social workers registered in Wales to the number of social workers from the annual workforce data collection suggests that only around 62 per cent of registered social workers are case holding practitioners and managers.
- The gender split for social workers is broadly in line with what we see across the whole social care workforce in Wales. Women occupied most posts in September 2023, at 83 per cent.
- The average age of a registered social worker is 46 years old. Most (55 per cent) social workers are aged between 40 to 60 years old, which is less than in 2021 (57 per cent). A third (33 per cent) are under 40 years old, while 12 per cent are over 60 years old.
- In terms of ethnicity, the majority (89 per cent) are white, five per cent are Black, two per cent are Asian and two per cent are of mixed ethnicity.
- The majority (66 per cent) are employed by local authorities. Twelve per cent are employed by an agency and a further seven per cent are employed by an agency on top of their main employment.
- As of March 2022, around a fifth (22 per cent) of all social workers were employed on a part time basis, which is the same as in 2021. The majority (90 per cent) were employed on a permanent contract.
- In March 2022, there were 562 social worker vacancies, which represents a vacancy rate of 13 per cent of the social worker workforce and is a percentage increase of 17 per cent compared to 2021. Of these vacant posts, 145 or 26 per cent were being held vacant, meaning that they were purposely left unfilled by the employer. This is a slight increase (two per cent) on the previous year.
- The data suggests that 584 social workers joined social worker teams in March 2022 and 631 left, giving a net decrease of 47 staff.
- Nearly half (46 per cent) of all social workers reported to have been qualified for three years or longer. A further 17 per cent were in senior practitioner roles and 18 per cent in managerial roles. Newly qualified social workers make up four per cent of the total registered social worker numbers employed in frontline services.
- 49 per cent of registered social workers have some Welsh language ability. This figure is up two per cent since 2021.
- This is what social workers told us about their job in spring 2023:
- 76 per cent started working in social care because they wanted to make a difference to people’s lives
- 38 per cent are dissatisfied with their current job
- 77 per cent say having too much work or not having enough time to do it causes stress at work
- 34 per cent think the right staff are in place to provide services
- 24 per cent don't feel safe at work
- 40 per cent think there are barriers to accessing training.
How we’ll deliver this plan
The workforce delivery plan is structured under each of the seven themes of the workforce strategy.
- An engaged, motivated and healthy workforce
- Attraction and recruitment
- Seamless workforce models
- Building a digitally ready workforce
- Excellent education and learning
- Leadership and succession
- Workforce supply and shape
For each theme we’ve summarised:
- the main issues
- the progress made to date
- our ambition
- the main areas we expect to see an impact
- the most important actions to realise our ambition for 2030 and how we’ll monitor them.
Before each set of actions, we’ve summarised what you told us during our engagement work, consultation, and workforce survey, so it sets the context for the actions. When we say “us”, “we” or “you”, we mean everyone in the social care sector at local, regional and national level. This indicates a collective responsibility to deliver the ambitions of the strategy.
The workforce delivery plan is ambitious and we’ll need to work with others to achieve identified actions. Many build on existing actions and it’s clearly within the remit of organisations to support them and help move them forward. Some actions are new and have been identified as crucial to reaching the 10-year ambition. We need to work together and in partnership at all levels. The progress made so far has been based on effective joint working in a range of areas, which will continue through the next phase of delivery.
We want to keep focusing on impact.
Our ambitions at a glance
Take a look at our overall ambitions, and see how strategic leaders can monitor if we’re making progress.
We’ll set-up a national strategic implementation group to:
- oversee impact and add further measures
- track progress
- resolve challenges
- identify how to take new actions forward and who can do this.
This group will also decide on priorities, if the sector’s capacity or financial resources mean we can’t take all the actions forward within the planned timeframes.
The actions also build on areas we can take forward effectively in partnership with our health colleagues. These areas of joint work include workforce well-being, the mental health workforce plan, leadership, and workforce development to support integrated care and support.
The actions of the workforce strategy have also led to the development of specific workforce plans for:
- the direct care workforce
- the social work profession
- the mental health workforce, developed in partnership with HEIW along with the associated implementation plan.
These plans support the aims of the workforce strategy and have actions in common, such as well-being approaches, attraction, and recruitment. They also include actions that are specific to relevant parts of the sector.
Technical documents
The documents below, available on request, include background information that helped us develop the workforce delivery plan.
- Engagement and consultation – how we worked with the sector to understand their priorities and how it helped shape the actions in this plan.
- Horizon scanning – the policy and legislative frameworks we considered when setting the actions in the plan.
We recognise some colleagues will want more detailed implementation plans, so we’ll publish an annual action plan that includes information about the activities being taken forward. You can find the latest version on our workforce strategy webpages.
1. An engaged, motivated, and healthy workforce

The social care sector is committed to having a workforce that feels valued and supported wherever it works. We must make sure there’s support and safeguards in place so people can become and remain valued members of an inclusive workforce.
During our engagement work to develop this workforce delivery plan, we heard strong calls to improve workplace cultures so that social care is an inclusive and equal workplace, with zero tolerance for discrimination. This includes having contract offers that consider people’s preferred working patterns and circumstances, while supporting what matters to individuals using care and support.
Welsh Government is committed to celebrating diversity and eliminating inequality in all its forms, as set out in the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan and LGBTQ+Action Plan for Wales, Cymraeg 2050 and through the work of the Social Care Fair Work Forum.
What progress has been made?
What you told us
Our ambition by 2030
Workforce strategy actions 2024 to 2027
How we’ll measure progress against the actions
2. Attraction and recruitment

The workforce strategy describes our ambition to positively change how the public sees a career in social care and for the social care sector to be a model employer. 63 per cent of the workforce began working in the sector because they wanted a job that would make a difference to people’s lives. These values are crucial for providing person centred care.
We want to attract a sufficient and diverse range of people into careers in social care and social work, who reflect the communities they work in. We also want to support the ambition of Stronger, Fairer, Greener Wales: A Plan for Employability and Skills, and for social care to continue to be an important part of the foundational economy across Wales.
Employers still report challenges in recruiting and retaining the workforce. In the 2023 Social care workforce survey, 71 per cent said it was difficult to recruit candidates to the sector because of the low number and quality of applications. In the Workforce data report carried out in 2022, there were 5,323 vacant posts within the social care workforce representing nine per cent of the total workforce. For the same period, the data suggests that 5,329 care workers joined the sector and 5,595 left, giving a net decrease of 266 staff. For social workers, the figures were 584 social workers joining social worker teams and 631 leaving, giving a net decrease of 47 staff.
What progress has been made?
What you told us
Our ambition by 2030
Workforce strategy actions 2024 to 2027
How we’ll measure progress against the actions
3. Seamless workforce models

Our ambition in Wales is for care to be provided as close to home as possible, as described in policy developments including A Healthier Wales and the Rebalancing of social care. It’s been difficult to achieve this as there’s been an increase in the number of people referred to and remaining in hospital as well as a greater demand for services in communities.
For adults living in our communities, there’s a critical connection between social care and services such as primary health care and housing, which allow individuals to live well and as independently as possible.
For vulnerable children, the main aim will always be to help families stay together wherever possible. This relies on all public services supporting families. When it’s not possible for families to stay together, children and young people need a safe and loving environment to call home, and access to therapeutic support. There’s a significant transformation of children’s services programme underway which aims to eliminate profit, develop a consistent advocacy offer, deliver more consistent practice and enhance the role of corporate parents.
As this work evolves, we’ll continue to identify workforce solutions for these new models and service designs. It’s likely that this change in culture and service delivery will take place step-by-step. But, we need to be ready to have a sufficient and skilled workforce and volunteers across health and social care to make changes, to support what matters to individuals using care and support and their carers.
What progress has been made?
What you told us
Our ambition by 2030
Workforce strategy actions 2024 to 2027
How we’ll measure progress against the actions
4. Building a digitally ready workforce

In July 2023, Welsh Government published the Digital and data strategy for health and social care in Wales, which has the three main aims of:
- transforming our digital skills and partnerships
- building digital platforms that meet the needs of Wales
- making services digital first.
The aim of “having a workforce with the skills and confidence they need to make the most of digital and improve care” aligns with the ambition of the workforce strategy to build a digitally ready workforce.
In its report “Scrutiny of Digital Health and Care Wales” the Health and Social Care Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee recognised the difficulty and complexity of the social care sector and the challenges it faces with digital skills and digital capacity. We need to continue to build and develop the workforce’s understanding and confidence in using digital solutions, while keeping a clear focus on the risk of digital exclusion if we don’t reflect on individual needs.
What progress has been made?
What you told us
Our ambition by 2030
Workforce strategy actions 2024 to 2027
How we’ll measure progress against the actions
5. Excellent education and learning

To provide quality care and support, we need a skilled and qualified workforce. This means we need clear education and training pathways that are attractive and accessible to our local population and communities to enter the profession. We also need to support the ongoing learning and development of the workforce to enhance their skills, supporting their development and retention.
Wales is committed to improving the provision of learning. The new Commission for Tertiary Education and Research will launch in 2024 and we’re looking forward to working with the commission to progress excellent education and learning for the sector.
In the 2023 workforce survey, 79 per cent of those who responded said they get the right training to support them in their role. 80 per cent of the workforce are keen to improve their skills and knowledge, and we need to support continuous learning and development.
What progress has been made?
What you told us
Our ambition by 2030
Workforce strategy actions 2024 to 2027
How we’ll measure progress against the actions
6. Leadership and succession

Leadership is crucial for creating the right environment to provide quality, person centred compassionate care. We know social care organisations that practice and embed compassionate and collective leadership at all levels have a more engaged workforce, which leads to better outcomes for people.
Learning and development programmes need to help leaders navigate complex systems to create the right environments for people to work safely and effectively to respond to the needs of individuals in communities.
We need to support aspiring managers to access learning and development that helps with career progression and upskilling, recognising that austerity has removed tiers of organisations that aspiring managers may have filled. We need to consider how we bring in an experiential approach to management and leadership development.
What progress has been made?
What you told us
Our ambition by 2030
Workforce strategy actions 2024 to 2027
How we’ll measure progress against the actions
7. Workforce supply and shape

The Well-being of Future Generation Act requires all public bodies in Wales to focus on the long term and work better with people and communities. We know more people will need to use social care over the next 20 years, so preventative services must be embedded, to allow us to better respond to citizen needs and reduce demand. We also need effective workforce planning systems to meet this demand, based on service planning and modelling.
This isn’t just about employment. Better ways of workforce planning will help us decide how we commission education and learning opportunities, so we’re not only able to recruit from an existing population, but also have enough people in the education system to meet future demands.
We need to find ways to improve how we collect and report on workforce data, and how the data’s used for decision making and policy decisions to support workforce planning locally, regionally and nationally.
There are ambitious plans at local and regional levels to develop citizen focussed place-based care. Alongside these, national commitments such as the Older people and people living with frailty: integrated quality statement and commitments as part of the Transformation of children’s services programme, require us to look at workforce planning across Wales, so we can respond to the changing needs of our communities.
Our workforce plans need to be able to support and respond to these changes and we’re looking forward to working alongside the National Office for Care and Support within Welsh Government to continue to support and develop data use in the sector.
What progress has been made?
What you told us
Our ambition by 2030
Workforce strategy actions 2024 to 2027
How we’ll measure progress against the actions
Word version of the Social care delivery plan 2024 to 2027
The workforce delivery plan is also available as a Word document. You can download it below.
Social care delivery plan 2024 to 2027DOCX 347KB
Easy read version of the Social care delivery plan 2024 to 2027
The workforce delivery plan is also available as an easy read document. You can download it below.