About the consultation
We are seeking your views about our first strategic equality plan and equality objectives.
Our four-year strategic equality plan states how we will promote equal opportunities through our work for people who use care and support, their families, carers, the workforce who provide care and support, and our staff and board members.
Our plan is based on a principle of promoting equality and valuing diversity. It sets out:
- our six equality objectives
- how we will identify and collect equality information
- how we will publish equality information
- how we will carry out impact assessments
- how we will promote knowledge and understanding of the equality duties to our staff.
To make sure our objectives reflect as many diverse views as possible, we developed them with input from a number of people who share one or more of the protected characteristics.
How do I take part?
If you’d like to take part in the consultation, download the draft strategic equality plan below and complete the short online survey. You can also download and fill out the questionnaire below, and return it to us via email or post.
The closing date for comments is 27 April 2018.