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Social Care Wales Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

Social Care Wales Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

- | Social Care Wales
  • Consultation update

    In September 2017, we published Social Care Wales’ draft strategic plan 2017-2022 for consultation. Our strategic plan sets out our vision for the next five years; what we aim to achieve, what our focus will be and how we will work with you to realise our ambition.

    The newly appointed Social Care Wales Board was keen to get feedback for its first five-year strategic plan. The Board agreed that as much feedback as possible should be gathered to inform the content of the final strategic plan before its launch.

    The consultation was open for seven weeks from 23 June 2017 until 11 August 2017, with 12 organisations and individuals formally responding.

    The report provides a summary of responses and details how we have modified our proposals in light of the feedback we received.

The Board of newly-established Social Care Wales is keen to get feedback for its first five-year strategic plan, which it plans to launch at the end of September.

Social Care Wales, which started life in April 2017, is responsible for regulating and developing the social care workforce and for driving service improvements.

At its second meeting, the Board agreed that as much feedback as possible should be gathered over the summer to inform the content of the final strategic plan before the autumn launch.

The proposed plan sets out Social Care Wales’s vision for the next five years, what it aims to achieve, its main focus areas and how the organisation will work with others to realise its ambition.

The strategic plan highlights the main priorities for Social Care Wales will be to develop the workforce, drive improvement and provide public confidence.