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Kath Roath
No current impairment found, 3 year warning given by panel
This was a remote hearing via Zoom.
Formerly Modern Care
Type of hearing
Fitness to Practise Panel

Decision summary

A Fitness to Practise Panel has found allegations proven that Kath Roath, a registered domicilary care worker, discussed her personal financial situation and accepted regular payments for providing personal care, gifts such as food/drink and clothing and a loan of an unspecified amount of money from a user of care and support. Whilst the Panel found the facts regarding the allegations proved, they determined that Kath Roath’s fitness to practise was not currently impaired. However, on the basis of their findings, the panel found that her conduct constituted a breach of the Code of Professional Practice and issued a Warning for three years in respect of future conduct and performance. Kath Mary Roath has the right of appeal to the Care Standards Tribunal within 28 days. Panel reasons are available on request.

Media- please contact: communications@socialcare.wales

Public- please contact: hearings@socialcare.wales