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Getting into leadership roles: we want to hear from you

Getting into leadership roles: we want to hear from you

| Social Care Wales

Do you work in social care and come from an ethnic minority background? We want to hear from you!

We want to understand what kind of opportunities and programmes would support more people from ethnic minority backgrounds to get into leadership roles in social care.

This is part of our work to support Welsh Government’s Anti-racist action plan.

To help us do this, we’re running online focus groups with the Institute of Public Care and Staff College.

The focus groups are a chance for you to share your experiences with us, so we can work out better ways to support you in your career in social care.

We’ll use your feedback to help us make sure that future leadership development programmes are sustainable, racially just, fair, and equitable for all social care leaders in Wales.

If you’d like to be part of the project after the focus groups are over, there’ll be opportunities for you to become part of our group of experts.

How to take part

To take part in the focus groups, you’ll need to fill in this short online form.

The sessions are open to anyone from a minority ethnic background working in social care in Wales, including staff and managers.

You'll get a £45 Amazon voucher as a thank you for taking part in the session.


We’ll hold the focus group sessions on Microsoft Teams. You can take part in English or Welsh. You only have to attend one session.

  • 2pm to 3.30pm, Wednesday 21 February
  • 10am to 11.30am, Saturday 24 February
  • 2pm to 3.30pm, Friday 8 March

Get in touch

If you’d like to ask any questions about the project, or find out more about the focus groups, email ipc@brookes.ac.uk.