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Introduction to social care team reaches finals of the Wales Great British Care Awards

Introduction to social care team reaches finals of the Wales Great British Care Awards

| Social Care Wales

WeCare Wales’s Introduction to social care team is a finalist for the Workforce Development Award at this year’s Wales Great British Care Awards.

The team was nominated because of its success in offering training to people starting out on their careers within care.

Introduction to social care is a funded online training programme for anyone aged over 18 interested in a career in social care.

It covers the essentials to start working in social care, such as communication, keeping people safe and working practices.

Since the programme was set up, more than 20 per cent of those who have taken part have found jobs in social care or gone to college or university.

Over the past year the team has worked hard to offer training opportunities to more than 500 people across Wales.

WeCare Wales is trying to break down the barriers that make it difficult for people to get jobs in social care. It wants to give as many people as possible the opportunity to work in such a rewarding career.

The award winners will be announced at a ceremony in Cardiff on 26 January. Winners from Wales will be shortlisted for the UK Care Awards.

You can find out more about the Introduction to social care programme on the WeCare Wales website.