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New training resource for leading quality with strengths-based practice

New training resource for leading quality with strengths-based practice

| Social Care Wales

We’ve created a new video resource which explains how people in registered settings can improve quality using strengths-based practice.

It’s suitable for anyone who works in a registered setting, including:

  • Responsible Individuals (RIs)
  • registered managers
  • supervisors.

In the resource, a trainer talks you through practical ways to improve experiences for the people you support.

There are exercises and examples for you to use in your setting. You can do the exercises as individuals or in a group.

The resource has two parts.

Part 1 covers:

  • how strengths-based practice supports the legal context
  • how to define quality through the individual’s experience
  • how to work with people in a strengths-based way.

Part 2 covers how to use strengths-based practice and compassionate leadership together to improve quality of care.

“Fantastic new training”

Jessica Matthews-West, Improvement and Development Manager at Social Care Wales, said:

“I’m so pleased to announce this fantastic new training, which is full of tools and guidance for people who work in registered settings.

“It will help RIs, registered managers, and supervisors to meet their statutory duties and make sure citizens get better outcomes.”

Watch the training videos now

You can watch the training videos now on our website.