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Social care workers, we want to hear how you’ve been coping during the pandemic

Social care workers, we want to hear how you’ve been coping during the pandemic

| Social Care Wales

If you’re a social worker or social care worker, we want to hear about the challenges you’ve faced during the pandemic and how you’ve coped with them.

You can share your experiences by completing a short survey developed by Ulster University, supported by us, so that we can better understand the impact that the pandemic has had on the social care workforce.

We want to find out how your quality of working life, social and emotional well-being has been affected over the last six months as the pandemic has progressed.

The survey, Health and social care workers’ quality of working life and coping while working during a Covid-19 Pandemic: Phase 2, takes 15 minutes to complete and is the second in a series of three surveys.

An executive summary from the first survey can be found here and the full report can be found here.

Take part in the survey

For more information about this research, please contact Paula McFadden on p.mcfadden@ulster.ac.uk or Patricia Gillen on p.gillen@ulster.ac.uk.