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Learn about the Welsh language with our new e-learning module

Learn about the Welsh language with our new e-learning module

| Social Care Wales

We have a new e-learning module available to help people working in social care and early years and childcare learn more about the Welsh language and working bilingually.

The Welsh language awareness e-learning module covers the Welsh language, its history and bilingualism. It looks at the practicalities of working bilingually and explains what the law says we must do and why.

It takes around 30 minutes to complete and counts towards registered social care workers’ continuous professional development.

The module has been developed by Sandie Grieve, our Engagement and Development Lead Officer for the Welsh language. Sandie said: ‘This e-learning module is a fantastic new resource for the social care and early years and childcare sector.

“It brings to life the history of the Welsh language and explains why it’s vital that we all have some awareness and understanding of the language and its importance to people who receive care and support.

“By completing this module, you’ll understand the importance of language choice and see the Welsh language as a valued skill, at any level, as a social care or early years and childcare worker.”