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Our approach to social care data

We are leading on developing a more strategic approach to social care data in collaboration with Welsh Government and other partners. We want to make better use of data to bring about the best possible outcomes for those who receive care and support services.

Statement of strategic intent

The statement has been created with the help of leaders and organisations from across Welsh social care and its partners, including government, health care, local authorities, independent and third sector organisations, and researchers, as well as those with lived experience of giving and receiving care and support.

It is our formal commitment to work together with colleagues from across health and care sectors to build a comprehensive and inclusive social care data strategy and work towards a stronger, data empowered social care service in Wales.

A strategic approach to social care data in Wales - Report on the discovery phase

The report, following a rapid review of the existing data landscape, ambitions, challenges and opportunities, outlines a suggested approach to developing a national data strategy for social care.

This report has been produced by Social Care Wales in collaboration with NHS Wales Informatics Service, with support from Welsh Government.

First published: 26 November 2020
Last updated: 6 February 2025
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