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Categories for the 2024 workforce data collection

The data categories we collect as part of the workforce data collection.

Setting type

  • Adult placement schemes
  • Central (support) staff
  • Day services
  • Domiciliary care
  • Personal assistants
  • Residential care - adult
  • Residential care - children
  • Residential care - mental health services
  • Social work teams - adult
  • Social work teams - children
  • Social work teams - all
  • Supported living services

Role types

  • Adult placement manager
  • Adult placement worker
  • Adviser/planner
  • Assessor
  • Care worker
  • Consultant social worker
  • Deputy manager
  • Deputy team manager (social work)
  • Director
  • Head of service (assistant director)
  • Internal quality assurer (IQA)
  • Manager
  • Nursing assistant/auxiliary nurse
  • Occupational therapist
  • Occupational therapy assistant
  • Other staff
  • Other manager
  • Personal assistant
  • Physiotherapist
  • Planner
  • Registered nurse (first year in practice)
  • Registered nurse (one year or more)
  • Senior care worker
  • Senior practitioner
  • Service manager/principal officer
  • Social care planning and commissioning manager
  • Social care planning and commissioning operational officer
  • Social care planning and commissioning support officer
  • Social worker (first year in practice)
  • Social worker (two to three years)
  • Social worker (Over three years)
  • Speech and language therapist
  • Support worker
  • Team manager (social work)
  • Workforce development manager
  • Workforce development officer/training officer


  • 16 to 24
  • 25 to 34
  • 35 to 44
  • 45 to 54
  • 55 to 64
  • 65 and over


  • Male
  • Female
  • Gender fluid
  • Non-binary


  • Yes
  • No

Working hours per week

  • Up to 16 hours
  • 16 to 36 hours
  • More than 36 hours

Contract status

  • Permanent
  • Bank/agency
  • Casual
  • Voluntary
  • Zero hours

Any employees sponsored with their health and care worker visa

  • Yes
  • No


  • To be filled
  • Held vacant

Welsh language proficiency level

  • No ability
  • Entry level
  • Foundation level
  • Intermediate level
  • Fluent

First language

  • Welsh
  • English
  • Other


  • White Welsh
  • White British
  • White Irish
  • White European
  • White and Asian
  • White/Black African
  • White/Black Caribbean
  • White (other)
  • Black Welsh
  • Black British
  • Black African
  • Black Caribbean
  • Black (other)
  • Asian Welsh
  • Asian British
  • Asian Pakistani
  • Asian Indian
  • Asian Chinese
  • Asian Bangladeshi
  • Asian (other)
  • Arabic
  • Mixed ethnicity
  • Mixed (other)
  • Gypsy/Traveller
  • Other ethnicity
  • Prefer not to say
First published: 3 September 2024
Last updated: 3 September 2024
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