You can see the difference you are making in peoples’ lives, every day of the week.
It’s also seeing, especially with the kids we work with, them achieving little things.
For them to handle money, or have the confidence to go up and order a drink, or order food; and just see them being happy as well.
Once you sit down to chat with them you see there is a lot of issues, especially with the older generation.By me going in to have a chat with them, they can off-load on to me, so they are not off-loading on to the person looking after them all the time that is there 24-7.
You make that amount of difference, in that amount of time.
A lot of people don’t understand what you do as the carer. I think everyone that works in this job, everyone who has ever done care work, they should be recognised for it.
I might be lucky then, you never know.