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Friend not foe
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Supporting meaningful outcome-focussed recording
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in social care. Make recording ‘live’ and
joined up across organisations.
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This resource contains examples
of how recording from different
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settings can be used to support people
and teams’ reflection and discussions.
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The purpose of Friend not foe and this video is
to support meaningful outcome-focussed recording.
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This video covers principles which come
under two different themes – looking at
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making recording live and joined up, and
secondly, ensuring recording is inclusive.
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The first theme is to make recording
live and joined up across organisations.
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One principle is to make recording responsive to
a person’s journey – by capturing their story.
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In this example, Rhodri’s personal outcome is
to have the confidence to walk outdoors again
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and be able to spend time with pals after
being seriously injured in a car accident.
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His story is recorded over time and includes
some ups and downs as his circumstances change.
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After some initial progress,
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Rhodri has a setback with his health and
reports feeling down in the dumps again.
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His progress is restored after seeing
a trusted physiotherapist who supports
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him in feeling safe enough to step out the door.
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In Rhodri’s story, different people, including
Rhodri, have contributed to his outcome.
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His journey included some setbacks,
which are a normal part of everyday life.
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And so we see here how Rhodri’s story and
his outcomes are captured along the way.
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Next, we want to join up personal
outcomes recording across organisations.
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This is about understanding what information
different agencies need from the record.
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A foster carer told us about a
referral form regarding a child
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who had been living in a children’s
residential home for 18 months.
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Not a foster carer in the country
would agree to take this boy due
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to the complexity of his behavioural issues.
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The referral read like a summary of what was best.
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The foster carer said they were ready to say
‘no’, until they saw one of his drawings.
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The picture spoke a thousand words,
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it showed he wanted to be part of a
family and they said ‘yes’ right away.
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Understanding what other agencies need to
be able to understand someone’s personal
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outcomes can make a real difference
to decision making and people’s lives.
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The second theme covered in this
video is making recording inclusive.
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Another principle is to make recording personal
for people with communication difficulties.
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This information was recorded by a
care home for a resident called Hugh,
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who has dementia, after Hugh’s son
Michael shared information with them.
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The staff noticed that when they
played Radio 3 Hugh was more relaxed.
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Michael also told staff that his dad had
always been a shy man who was not a ‘joiner’.
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However, when the staff started to
play Radio 3 in the residents’ lounge,
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Hugh started getting up and moving to the
music, as if conducting the music himself.
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This then led to other residents
connecting with Hugh around the music,
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which was becoming a regular
feature in the care home.
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We also want to make recording
personal across the life course.
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The examples in this guidance are for children and adults.
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It is important to recognise that a
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personal outcomes approach is for
everyone – from cradle to grave.
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This can sometimes be forgotten
towards the end of life – when
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there are still opportunities
for outcome-focussed practice.
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There is a separate video which includes
a story of outcomes at the end of life.