Here you can find general information about the 2025 Accolades
What are the Accolades?
The Accolades are awards that recognise, celebrate and share notable work in social care and childcare, play and early years in Wales.
The awards recognise the work of groups, teams and organisations, as well as workers from across the public, private, voluntary and co-operative sectors in Wales.
Entries and nominations for the Accolades have now closed.
Our finalists
11 projects and seven individuals were chosen by our panel of judges as finalists for the 2025 Accolades across six categories.
Building bright futures for children and families
Sponsored by Hugh James
Cylch Meithrin y Gurnos
Cylch Meithrin y Gurnos is a Welsh-medium childcare setting in Merthyr Tydfil. In its peaceful environment, children can focus on learning and play, social interaction, creativity and emotional well-being. They grow vegetables in the garden and discover the benefits of a healthy lifestyle in an area where safe green spaces can be hard to find.
The service also champions the Welsh language in the community by hosting events and building relationships, showing parents that Welsh is an asset to their children’s futures, the setting has changed minds and created lifelong opportunities for the children.
Families First, Blaenau Gwent Borough Council
Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council’s Families First service provides preventative support to families with children under 18, or those under 25 with additional needs. Services include community engagement, mediation, school-based social workers and family therapists.
The service's strengths-based, outcomes-focused approach means that support is built around what’s important to families and young people. The people being supported are listened to and can take ownership of their support plans, which has led to an improvement in families achieving their goals.
Newport Family Support Services, Newport City Council and Barnardo’s
Newport Family Support Service is a strategic partnership between Newport City Council and Barnardo's. Through its Rapid Response service and therapeutic team, the partnership uses innovative, trauma-informed intervention to safely reduce the number of children in care in Newport.
The Rapid Response service meets the urgent needs of families on the brink of entering care, while the therapeutic team supports care-experienced families. This collaboration keeps support consistent and families don’t need to tell their stories repeatedly. Waiting times are cut and the voices of children and families are heard and empowered from the very beginning.
Developing and inspiring the workforce
Sponsored by BASW Cymru
International Recruitment for Children's Social Workers, Bridgend County Borough Council
The ‘International recruitment for children’s social workers’ project aims to achieve the best outcomes for children and families by getting the right balance of skills and experience in the local authority’s children’s social work teams. The project focuses on recruiting qualified and experienced international social workers to help reduce the teams’ reliance on agency workers, retain staff and
improve the experience of the workforce.
The project has so far recruited 13 social workers from across South Africa, Zimbabwe and the USA, which has brought stability to the teams.
Elm – Mental Health Care UK Limited in Denbighshire
Elm Mental Health Care UK sees its transformation of and investment in its staff culture as essential to providing excellent care to the people it supports.
By focusing on professional development, community engagement and staff well-being, staff are better able to provide high quality care as they feel supported in their roles. Training programmes are readily available to staff, including Welsh language training. These opportunities have led to promotions and significant professional development. Staff feel valued, heard and able to embody the setting’s values of inclusion and collaborative working.
Inspirational leadership
Sponsored by Practice Solutions
Avril Bracey, Head of Service for Adult Social Care at Carmarthenshire County Council.
Nominated by Corinne Everett-Guy, Senior Manager Social Work Teams at Carmarthenshire County Council.
Avril began her career in social care 45 years ago as a trainee social worker in children’s services. During her career, Corinne says Avril “has proved herself to be a strong leader and ambassador for adult social care” and she “consistently pushes boundaries to create positive and lasting change.”
Avril’s supported “innovative approaches” in fadult social care and was instrumental in developing the Twilight Sanctuary, an out-of-hours well-being service for those at risk of a mental health crisis.
Avril’s “kindness, selflessness, integrity and willingness to go above and beyond” means she shows “consistent respect and dignity towards everyone she meets”.
Corinne says Avril is “a beacon of inspiration, setting a benchmark for excellence in social care leadership. Her ability to inspire and motivate her service has led to a culture of continuous improvement and high standards.”
One director describes Avril as “an inspirational leader in social care. In her time as Head of Service for Adults in Carmarthenshire, she has transformed adult social care changing hundreds of vulnerable adults’ lives.” They add “Avril personifies values-based leadership.”
Avril has championed unpaid carers and developed initiatives to improve practice, too. She also went above and beyond to support her team during the Covid-19 pandemic, with one senior manager saying: “From 7am until 11pm, Avril worked tirelessly to ensure our team was prepared for the pandemic. Her foresight and meticulous planning guaranteed that all staff had sufficient PPE and support.”
Ffion Cole, Principal Officer, Bridgend County Borough Council
Nominated by Alex Williams, Group Manager – Locality Hubs.
Ffion has worked for Bridgend County Borough Council for 11 years and is the Team Manager of the North Team Locality Hub.
Ffion’s leadership style is recognised across the local authority. Newly qualified or inexperienced social workers are often placed in her ‘social work academy’ for their first six months of work. Here, they’re supported and nurtured by Ffion’s expert team.
Ffion also offers formal mentoring and informal support to managers wanting to learn how to develop the culture and leadership style of Ffion and her team.
As part of her role, Ffion leads on supporting internationally recruited social workers.
Previously, more than 50 per cent of staff were agency workers , but the number of agency staff has greatly reduced in just 18 months and more than 50 per cent of social workers in the locality hubs are now international.
One international social worker said: “Ffion made sure that the induction process was as smooth as possible, explained everything and helped me settle well both at home and within the team.”
Ffion has helped build a consistent and stable workforce, benefitting the children and families in the area, as workers can build lasting relationships with the people they support. Ffion also keeps the voices of children and families at the heart of her team’s practice.
Senior Social Worker Hannah Jones says: “[Ffion] deserves this so much. She takes everything in her stride and is always willing to help. Since being in the team, I’ve learnt so much without feeling pressured but always supported."
Keri Warren, Head of Children and Young People's Services at Neath Port Talbot Council
Nominated by Nune Aleksanyan, Ruth Griffiths, Chris Frey Davies, Maria Selby and Victoria Smith, all principal officers in Children and Young People's Services at Neath Port Talbot Council.
Keri has been a dedicated part of the senior management team at Neath Port Talbot Council since 2012, when she joined as a Principal Officer before becoming Head of Children and Young People’s Services in 2018.
The principal officers say Keri has been “nothing short of extraordinary” in the way she’s led Neath Port Talbot’s children’s services. Using a “kind natured approach”, Keri prioritises staff well-being, as the team works towards “achieving positive outcomes for families”. Keri reminds the team of the importance of good social work practice by creating a healthy and safe learning environment, encouraging open discussions and having a collective response to risk management.
Keri has made sure the right systems and processes are in place to make sure staff feel safe when they’re dealing with difficult situations in the community.
Feedback from the service’s staff highlights Keri's approachable and supportive nature. One staff member says: “Keri is supportive and encourages a work-life balance so we can deal with life outside of work without feeling guilty.” One senior manager says: “[Keri] sets a high standard by example and is always looking at ways to give workers opportunities to develop and grow as practitioners. The voice of the child and family is of the utmost importance to her.”
Keri’s focus on staff well-being, professional development, and a child-centred approach has created a “supportive environment that fosters innovation and collaboration”.
WeCare Wales
Sponsored by WeCare Wales
Casey Baker, Social Care Worker, Bridgend County Borough Council Supported Living Bridgend County Borough Council
Nominated by Ceri Williams, Provider Service Manager at Bridgend County Borough Council Supported Living.
Casey’s creative and person-centred approach to her role has made her “a beloved figure amongst the people she supports and her colleagues”.
Casey’s always looking for a way to bring a smile to the people she supports. She organises birthday and Christmas parties, spa days, craft nights, games nights and pizza making evenings for the people she supports. But “these aren’t just activities; they’re carefully planned experiences that bring joy and a sense of community to everyone involved.”
It’s Casey’s ability to connect with people on a personal level that makes her an exceptional social care worker. She’s reliable, attentive and has created a nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Ceri says: “Casey’s actions are driven by a genuine desire to make a positive difference.”
Her dedication goes beyond her regular duties. While providing end of life care for one of the people she supports, Casey single-handedly decorated the person’s room for her birthday to make sure she could still celebrate, despite being bed-bound. Casey provided “a source of comfort and joy during a difficult time”.
Casey also supports and encourages her team. Leading by example, she’s created a collaborative and compassionate atmosphere and inspires her colleagues with her willingness to go the extra mile.
Ceri says: “Casey’s actions exemplify the highest standards of care and dedication.”
Gayle Jones, Care Coordinator at Habitat Homecare in Swansea
Nominated by Lisa Buchanan, Responsible Individual and Director at Habitat Homecare.
Lisa describes Gayle as “a cornerstone of the team” who always goes above and beyond.
One of the people Gayle supports says: “[Gayle] goes the extra mile and nothing is ever too much trouble for her. She works so hard and makes my daily living so much easier.”
Gayle is currently completing her Level 5 qualification in health and social care. Gayle’s always looking for ways to improve her work and the quality of life of the people she supports.
After hearing about Public Health Wales’s national oral health initiative, Gwên am Byth, Gayle got in touch with the Gwên am Byth trainers to organise sessions for her colleagues. Best practice in oral health is now part of the daily routine at Habitat Homecare.
Lisa says Gayle “embodies compassion and integrity” in every aspect of her work. Over Christmas, she prepares meals for clients who are at risk of loneliness. She’s “respected deeply by her colleagues and beloved by her clients”.
Returning to her role after losing her partner, Gayle said: “I wanted to do my job for those who need me and have a focus.”
Habitat Homecare’s care manager says: “She’s always ready to lend a helping hand, provide guidance and support her colleagues through any challenges they might face. Gayle’s contributions to the team are invaluable and her unwavering dedication has made a lasting impact.”
Sarah Sharpe, Registered Childminder at Poppins Daycare in the Vale of Glamorgan
Nominated by Lee Walker-Metzelaar, Childminder.
Sarah’s passion and dedication shines through in her work as a childminder. Lee says Sarah has “all the time in the world” for the children she cares for.
At her allotment in Barry, Sarah teaches children to plant, grow and harvest their own fruit and vegetables. With her Hygge Accreditation, she fosters a healthy relationship with food and nature.
Sarah has helped parents access vital support for their children. She’s referred families to Flying Start to access parenting classes, extra health visits and play sessions at home.
One parent says: “We couldn’t be more thankful”. Another describes how Sarah’s care has given their child “an amazing sense of play and confidence”.
Sarah offers free childcare for an hour for parents so they can visit their GP for a smear test.
Sarah also works with the local authority to support new childminders and promote training courses, and provides free mentoring evenings for childminders.
In 2024, Sarah won Cymru Kids Clubs’s ‘Playworker of the year’ award for her commitment to learning. She also won the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years Cymru Award.
Lee says: “Sarah has the biggest, kindest heart of anyone I know.”
Terri Steele, Self-employed Registered Childminder from Ceredigion
Nominated by Claire Protheroe, Head of Contracts and Projects at the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years Cymru.
Terri’s “infectious energy, enthusiasm and appreciation of the children’s needs” means she’s very much trusted by the parents of the children she cares for, and the children have “freedom to explore [and] space to get frustrated”.
Terri is passionate about learning. She has a Forest School qualification and teaches the children about gardening, the environment and Welsh culture. They also learn sign language.
One parent said: “Knowing how happy my son is with Terri made returning to work as pain free as possible. You can’t put a price on that, but you can give her an award for it.”
Parents and carers nominated Terri for the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years Cymru’s (PACEY) Wellbeing Champion award, where she was a joint winner.
Terri is also engaged in the early years and childcare sector. She attends childminder forums, where she helps identify the challenges facing the sector.
She’s also worked with the Ceredigion Childcare Unit to promote childminding as a career and was nominated for an award for this work.
Terri was nominated for the Accolades in part by a family she supported following the loss of their son, who say: “[Terri] has provided my daughter with security, compassion and a place where her little brother will always be remembered and loved … I wouldn’t want to send my child anywhere else.”
Working in partnership
Sponsored by Life Sciences Hub Wales
Connecting Carmarthenshire
Connecting Carmarthenshire is a partnership project run by Carmarthenshire County Council that aims to help residents live and age well.
The partnership works with third sector organisations to make sure people receive the right services, at the right time. A range of services from local providers is available through Connecting Carmarthenshire’s platform. These include suicide prevention, domestic abuse services and community engagement projects. Specialists from different organisations can coordinate a person-centred approach to help the people they support achieve the best possible outcomes.
The Delta CONNECT project is a collaborative approach by local authorities, the local health board and community services across West Wales, with the aim of improving well-being outcomes for older adults with chronic conditions and those at risk of social isolation.
Delta CONNECT combines social care and healthcare services to make it easier for people to manage their health and well-being. It uses technology and personalised support, such as proactive calls and a 24/7 response service, to provide preventative and proactive care. Thanks to the service, patients are discharged from hospital, on average, five days earlier.
Wellbeing Portal
Wrexham County Borough Council’s Wellbeing Portal is a partnership with several local authority, health and third sector organisations. People who receive support only need to tell their story once to access information, advice and support from the different organisations that use the digital platform. Wellbeing Portal also provides information on how to access support for young people, housing and tenancies, and support for families.
The portal reduces the barriers to receiving support and was created in response to feedback from families who had experienced this issue.
Working to the principles of strengths-based practice
Supporting People to Achieve What Matters, Flintshire County Council Progression Team
Flintshire County Council’s ‘Progression' model of support takes a strengths-based approach to help adults with learning disabilities in supported living become more independent.
The progression team, the person being supported and their family work together to set achievable, strengths-based goals, putting the person receiving care at the centre of every decision. This means they receive the right amount of support to encourage independence.
By focusing on what they can do rather than what they can’t, skills are developed, not just maintained. This helps people achieve what matters to them and reduces their reliance on services.
West Glamorgan Dementia Care and Respite Service, Marie Curie
This preventative service provides support to people living with late stage dementia in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot by integrating healthcare, overseen by a registered nurse, and a volunteer-run companion programme.
Domiciliary and respite care provides practical medical support to help people stay at home for longer. Trained volunteers provide holistic care, helping the people they support maintain their social networks, enjoy their hobbies and reminisce, while also providing respite care for their family members.
The service’s strengths-based approach puts the supported person at the heart of every decision, helping them safely maintain their independence.
Support Circles, Ategi
Based in Pontypridd, Ategi’s Support Circles project is a model of strengths-based practice, empowering people with complex needs to use their skills within a supportive community. Support Circles focuses on what people can do and how they can contribute.
It creates an environment that allows people with mild learning disabilities, physical impairments and mental health challenges to build confidence, develop new abilities and make meaningful social connections. This approach shifts the focus from limitations to strengths, helping people define their paths and overcome challenges through their own capabilities.
Our sponsors
Main sponsor
Llais is a national, independent body set up by the Welsh Government to give the people of Wales a stronger voice in health and social care services.
Its role is to make sure the public’s voice is heard by decision makers. Local Llais teams gather people’s experiences of using health and social care to help decision makers plan and deliver better health and social care services.
Llais has four key duties. It engages with and listens to people and communities about their experiences of health and social care and represents those views to health and social care providers.
The organisation also provides a complaints advocacy service in each region of Wales, and it promotes public awareness of its work with the public and local communities.
Category sponsors
BASW Cymru
Sponsor of the 'Developing and inspiring the workforce' category
BASW Cymru is the professional association for social work and social workers in Wales. It supports members in their day-to-day practice, campaign on key issues relating to social work and influence government policy and legislation across Wales.
Hugh James
Sponsor of the 'Building bright futures for children and families' category
Hugh James covers a diverse range of legal specialisms and has maintained an active presence in Wales’s social care sector.
The firm provides advice and representation to public authorities in Children Act and Court of Protection proceedings, advises public authorities, sports bodies and other organisations on safeguarding, acts for care providers in property, corporate, commercial and regulatory matters, and acts for the sector’s regulators, including Social Care Wales.
Life Sciences Hub Wales
Sponsor of ‘Working in Partnership’ category
Life Sciences Hub Wales helps to drive the development and adoption of life science innovation in health and social care in Wales.
The organisation connects innovators with research partners, funding opportunities and people at the frontline of health and social care. By keeping the dialogue going, they can make the biggest impact by supporting innovations that address the most vital needs.
Practice solutions
Sponsor of the Inspirational leadership award
Practice Solutions provides values-driven consultancy to health, social care and the wider public sector across Wales and the UK. The company drives meaningful change by blending leadership, digital innovation and service improvement, while maintaining a commitment to people and communities.
WeCare Wales
Sponsor of the WeCare Wales award
WeCare Wales raises public awareness and understanding of social care, childcare, play and early years. It aims to attract more people with the right skills and values to work in caring roles with children and adults.
The awards ceremony
The 2025 Accolades awards ceremony will be held on 1 May 2025. We’ll update this page with more information about it nearer the time.
Contact us
If you have a question or can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch with us.
Related content
- Information for projects that entered the 2025 Accolades
- Information for workers nominated for the 2025 Accolades
- 2024 Accolades awards ceremony, winners and finalists