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Ymlaen implementation plan: 2024 to 2025

How we'll work with partners to achieve the ambitions of Ymlaen - the research, innovation and improvement strategy for social care.

People working in social care go above and beyond to deliver services that improve outcomes for the people of Wales.

We want to create a culture where evidence is central to policy and practice and used to inform decisions at all levels of social care, and where people feel inspired and supported to try new things.

Ymlaen – meaning 'forward' in Welsh – is the strategy we've developed together to deliver on those aims.

Our vision

To help people leading, developing and delivering social care feel confident, supported and inspired to use practice, evidence and innovation to make a positive difference to care and support in Wales.

Delivering the vision will need strong collaboration across a wide range of partner organisations. Social Care Wales will lead this new strategy and work with partners to deliver it.

Social Care Wales will keep track of the implementation and will bring partners and stakeholders together regularly to share progress and agree our future work.

Our new strategy aims to make each partner’s contribution to support for research, innovation and continuous improvement clearer. This is an opportunity for all of us to ‘join the dots’ for people who work in social care and to do the hard work of finding what they need to make a difference to how they provide support.

To achieve Ymlaen’s vision, Social Care Wales will work with partners to:

Set direction





First published: 16 October 2024
Last updated: 25 February 2025
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