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Group B


Group B practitioners work with people in a group setting or on a one-to-one basis.

This group includes practitioners who are or aren't registered or regulated, and volunteers.

They’ll have a particular responsibility to the people they work with.

They’ll need a higher level of knowledge than people in group A because of how closely they work with people.

The people they work with may or may not have safeguarding concerns.

If there are safeguarding concerns, there’ll be a clear line of reporting in the organisation.

They’ll be aware of their responsibility to report concerns, both internally and directly to social services.

Memorable principles

  • I am a key part of the safeguarding process.
  • I know when, how and who to report to.
  • I will make sure the individual’s voice is heard.

According to the standards, people in group B should know:

  • legislation, national policies, and codes of conduct and professional practice about safeguarding
  • how to work in ways that safeguard people from abuse, harm and neglect
  • the factors, situations and actions that could lead or contribute to abuse, harm or neglect
  • how to report, respond and record concerns or allegations related to safeguarding.

Learning outcomes

They’ll already have completed group A learning.

At the end of a learning activity, they’ll:

  • know the relevant legislation and policies, codes of conduct and professional practice that reflect their role in relation to safeguarding
  • be able to describe how to work in ways that safeguard people from abuse, harm and neglect
  • know how to be curious when they witness or suspect abuse, harm or neglect, or if someone says they’re being abused
  • be able to explain factors, situations and actions that could lead or contribute to abuse, harm or neglect
  • know how, when and to whom to report different types of abuse, neglect and harm.

Things to consider

We strongly recommend blended learning for group B.

This will include basic online training, virtual classroom and face-to-face teaching and learning.

The resources and learning methods should reflect the knowledge and competence for the role and responsibilities of practitioners in this group. They include:

  • pre- and post-course workbooks, written information, videos, podcasts and other materials (all from a reliable source)
  • one-to-one supervision, mentoring and management support for discussion and reflection on practice
  • shadowing, team meetings and peer support groups
  • training exercises including case studies and practice reviews
  • the All Wales induction framework for health and social care workers has a safeguarding workbook to help practitioners understand their role and responsibility for safeguarding people, and it encourages reflective practice and reflection on learning taken
  • resources for practitioners to record learning and development.

Other things to consider

  • Access to IT equipment, and ways of training people who can’t access online training.
  • Giving training certification or accreditation on completion (or other acknowledgement), so practitioners can transfer training and learning when changing roles.
  • Supervisor or mentor review, and confirmation of the practitioner’s knowledge, understanding and competence.

How much training, learning and development?

  • A minimum of six hours of training to cover the learning outcomes.
  • New workers with no previous safeguarding training should have training in the first two to four weeks of employment or volunteering, or at least within the probation period of a new role (six months).
  • There may also be additional training on topics specific to the role.
  • Refresher training, learning and development should be:
    • a minimum of six hours
    • ongoing over a three-year period
    • done if there’s a change to safeguarding legislation
    • done as required by employer or agency
    • on topics specific to the role.
  • Training, learning and development should focus on reflection and developing safeguarding knowledge and skills related to the role.
First published: 9 November 2023
Last updated: 6 February 2025
Series last updated: 6 February 2025
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