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Registration is changing

Registration is changing

- | Social Care Wales
  • Consultation closed – response published

    Thank you very much to everyone who took part in our consultation on ‘Registration is changing’. We received a large number of responses, and have considered all feedback. A report summarising the feedback received and next steps is now available.

We currently have around 18,000 workers on the Register of Social Care Workers.

Domiciliary care workers are now registering with us and it will be mandatory for them to register from 2020.

Adult care home workers and residential family support workers will be able to register from 2020 and it will be mandatory for them to register from 2022.

To support this continued extension of the Register, we are seeking your views about our proposals for:

  • the requirements that adult care home workers and residential family centre support workers will need to meet to register with us
  • the standards those workers will be expected to work to, including the draft practice guidance for adult care home workers.

We’re also seeking your feedback about a number of changes we have proposed to our current registration system. These are:

  • allowing residential child care workers to initially register using the Social Care Wales Principles and Values Award, as this will make the award a consistent route to registration for all social care workers
  • changing the way we grant registration in years two and three to prevent non-payment of registration fees
  • adopting a more flexible way of recognising a social care worker as a manager in services that are without a manager for valid reasons.

We’ve also put forward some initial ideas to streamline the categories of workers on the Register and we’d welcome your views about them.

The consultation is open for eight weeks and will close at 5pm on Friday, 20 December 2019.

How to take part in the consultation

If you’d like to take part in the consultation, download the consultation document and complete our short online survey. You can answer all the questions or only the questions that are most important to you.

You can also email your response to consultations@socialcare.wales.