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Use our free tool to better understand your digital potential

Use our free tool to better understand your digital potential

| Social Care Wales

Our digital potential tool is now live!

We’ve developed the tool to give you a more complete picture of your own and your organisation's current digital skills and capabilities.

The digital potential tool is free to use, and every social care provider in Wales has access to it.

The tool will show you your digital strengths and areas for improvement and highlight useful resources to support your digital development.

Knowing more about your digital capabilities and how to access relevant resources and training will help you make the most of digital technologies in your role.

The tool will also give us a snapshot of the situation across Wales, which we'll share in a national report later in 2025.

To make sure the national report captures your experience of using digital technology, please complete the tool by 21 February.

We want a wide range of people to use the tool, including social care workers, IT staff and leadership.

How can I use it?

If you're on our Register, we e-mailed you a link to the tool on 9 or 10 January. Please check your junk folder if you can't find the e-mail.

If you aren't on the Register or haven't received your link, please contact digital@socialcare.wales.

The link you receive is unique to your employer. This means that when you complete the tool, your anonymous results will feed into your organisation’s overall findings.

If you’re unsure how to use the tool, you might find our guide to using the tool useful.

How does the tool work?

  • The tool will ask you to answer questions about your digital confidence and your organisation’s digital practices. This will take around 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your role.
  • We’ll then send your results to the e-mail address or phone number you’ve provided, along with guidance about your strengths and areas for improvement. We’ll also give you information about resources and training to support your digital development.
  • If you’re a leader, we’ll also send you a link to your organisation’s overall results, showing your digital readiness in different areas. These results will be updated as more people from your organisation use the tool. No individual will be identifiable from the overall results.

Information for leaders

Need more information?

For more information, please visit our digital potential tool page.