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How to use our digital potential tool

A guide to using our digital potential tool.

Step one: Find your link

If you’re on our Register, we sent you a link to the tool on 9 or 10 January in an email titled 'A free tool to help you understand your digital potential'. We sent it from our digital@socialcare.wales email address.

This email link is unique to your organisation.

Please check that the organisation named in the email is your current employer. If this has changed, please ask the Responsible Individual in your new organisation to share the organisation’s link with you.

If you haven’t received the email, please contact digital@socialcare.wales or call 02920 780656. It’s also worth checking your spam or junk folder for the email.

Step two: Access the questions

Click or tap the link in the email. This will take you to Microsoft Forms, where you can answer questions about your own digital skills and confidence and your organisation’s digital readiness.

You’ll need to answer the questions and press 'submit' at the end of the form for us to be able to send you your results and useful resources.

Need to change the language?

The Microsoft Form is available in Welsh and English. If the form isn’t in your preferred language when you open it, you can change the language by using the drop-down menu in the top-right corner.

Click or tap on the button to reveal the language options, then click or tap on your preferred language.

Step three: Answer the questions

The tool will ask you for your email address and mobile phone number. This is so we can send you your results and resources.

How to add your email address

Click or tap on the box once to start typing. Please enter a valid email address if this is how you’d like us to send you your results.


Make sure there aren’t any spaces and the format follows the typical email structure. For example, user@domain.com.

How to add your mobile phone number

Click or tap on the box once to start typing.

Please enter a valid mobile phone number if this is how you’d like us to send you your results.

The number should start with either +44 or 07. For example, +447123456789 or 07123456789


Make sure you don’t include any spaces or additional symbols in your phone number.

The tool will ask you to answer questions in different formats, including multiple choice and rating questions.

How to answer multiple choice questions

Click or tap on the box next to the option that best describes how you'd like to answer.

If you select the wrong one, just click the box of the answer you do want to give, and your response will change.

How to answer rating questions

When completing the tool, you’ll be presented with a number of different statements. You might be asked to rate how much you agree with the statement, or how confident you feel in carrying out the task it describes.

For example, 'My organisation provides me with the equipment I need'. If you strongly agree that your organisation provides you with the equipment you need to do your job, click the circle that’s below ‘strongly agree’ and in line with that statement.

For each statement, choose only one of the response options.

How to move through the tool

At the bottom of each page, there’s a box that says ‘next’. Once you’ve answered all of the questions on a page, click ‘next’ to move on to the next one.

Step four: Submit your responses

Continue through the questions until you reach the page where you’ll submit your responses.

If you have anything you’d like to add that hasn’t been covered by the questions, click or tap on the text box on this page to type your response.

You can then click or tap the 'submit' button to send all of your completed answers.

Once you’ve submitted your responses, we'll send you an email or a text message with a link to your results.

Step five: Find your results link


If you entered an email address at the beginning of the questions, we’ll send you an email from digital@socialcare.wales with a link to your results.

Mobile phone

If you entered a mobile phone number at the beginning of the questions, we’ll send you a text message with a link to your results.


To make sure you can access your results again, don’t delete the email or text from your inbox. If your emails or texts are deleted automatically, you might want to save this link somewhere safe.

Step six: View your results

Once you click or tap the link, it will take you to your unique results page. This will show your overall results and a breakdown of each section.

This page will also recommend helpful ways you can use technology in your work, with links to resources.

Organisational results

If you answered the leadership questions in the form, we’ll also send you an email or text message with a link to your organisational results.

Once you click or tap the link, it will take you to your organisation’s overall results page, which will show an average of your organisation’s results and a breakdown of each section.

This page will also recommend helpful ways you can use technology in your work, with links to resources and training.

Step seven: Make sense of your results

On the results homepage, you’ll see your overall score percentage at the top of the page. This is a percentage of your average score across all sections completed.

Below this, there’s a bar chart which shows your overall score percentage for each section.

The text below the chart explains where you scored highest and which areas you could develop. This is based on your answers about your digital confidence and skills.

Explore the different sections

Below the text are blocks with the title of each section you completed in the form. If you click or tap on the block, your overall result for that section will be revealed, along with some useful resources.

Which resources we present to you depends on your score for that section. There are a range of resources to choose from.

Have a look at the resources and pick one you feel could be most useful to you.


Getting started can seem overwhelming. Choose one resource that could be most helpful to you in your current role and give it a go.

Perhaps you could use your results and the recommended resources to help inform supervisions or as part of your personal development plan.

Access the resources

If you see a resource that interests you, click or tap on the link. This will take you to a new webpage.

These resources will always be available on your results page. If you don’t have time to learn more now, you can come back to the resource list by clicking the link in your email or text.

The courses and resources listed on this page have fulfilled our criteria for inclusion, but they haven’t been assessed or endorsed by Social Care Wales. You'll find more information about our criteria here.

See a breakdown of your responses to each question

Below the resources for this section, you’ll see the heading 'Understand your score'.

Click or tap the link below the heading to see your responses for this section.

Here, you can see in more detail where you scored highest and what areas you could focus on to improve your digital confidence and skills.

Access previous results

If you’ve completed the form more than once and would like to access your previous results, you’ll find the heading ‘Your previous results’ at the bottom of the results page.

Click or tap the link below the heading to go to a new page where your previous results are stored.

If you can’t see any previous results, this either means that you haven’t used the tool before, or that you used a different email address or phone number when completing the questions when you did so.

Make sense of your organisation's results (for leaders)


Getting started as an organisation can seem overwhelming. Focus on one section where improvement could have the greatest impact and explore the suggested resources together.

You can also use these results and resources to inform team development plans, staff training programmes or strategic discussions about organisational growth.

Need more information?

If there are any words or terms you don't understand in the tool, you might find an explanation in our glossary.

If you have any questions or need any further support, email digital@socialcare.wales or call 02920 780656.

First published: 7 January 2025
Last updated: 6 February 2025
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