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Small steps to support positive cultures: introducing our new well-being pages

Small steps to support positive cultures: introducing our new well-being pages

| Social Care Wales

We have new webpages to support people who work in social care, early years and childcare to work towards better well-being at work.

The webpages focus on the small things you can do to manage your own well-being at work. There’s also advice for managers to help look after team well-being.

There are practical tips to get you started, and signposts to organisations that can support you with the next steps.

These pages complement our well-being framework, which we launched last October.

“A great place to start”

Rebecca Cicero, Improvement and Development Manager for Well-being, said:

“It’s not always possible – or practical – to try to change a whole workplace culture overnight to be more positive, especially as we move into a challenging time of year for the social care sector.

“But we know that better staff well-being leads to better care, higher retention and a more efficient organisation.

“These pages are a great place to start thinking about the small things you can do to begin that journey.”

Your well-being matters: workforce health and well-being framework

For organisations that have already started their journey to create positive cultures at work, our well-being framework is a helpful next step.

It’s now available in a more accessible format and includes resources to help you make permanent, positive changes to support better well-being.