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Tell us how you’ve been coping during the pandemic

Tell us how you’ve been coping during the pandemic

| Social Care Wales

Are you a social worker or social care worker? If so, we’d like to hear from you to find out the challenges you’ve faced during the Covid-19 pandemic and how you’ve coped with them.

You can share your experiences by completing a short survey by Ulster University, which we’re supporting, that looks at how the pandemic has affected the health and well-being of health and social care workers in the UK.

The survey focuses on how your quality of working life, well-being and coping strategies have changed over the last six months and as restrictions have begun to ease.

The survey is the third in a series of three surveys and the research team would like to thank everyone who took part in the earlier surveys.

The first two surveys have revealed that the well-being and work-related quality of life of those working in health and social care decreased during the pandemic.

Almost 75 per cent of those who took part in the surveys said they experienced moderate to high levels of personal burnout and two-thirds experienced work-related burnout.

Those who took part in the surveys also said they used more negative coping strategies, such as self-blame and venting, to deal with the increased stress at work rather than positive coping strategies, such as emotional support and planning.

The information gathered by the surveys will be used to help employers make improvements to support the needs of the health and social care workforce during and after the pandemic.

Take part in the survey, and find out more about the project.