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What do you think about Essential Skills Wales qualifications?

What do you think about Essential Skills Wales qualifications?

| Social Care Wales

We’ve been talking to people in social care sector about Essential Skills Wales qualifications and the feedback we received suggests there isn’t enough social care context within learning resources.

We want to help improve this, by identifying existing resource examples and developing new bilingual resources. As part of this, we’d like to:

  • understand more about the resources used to teach Essential Skills Wales qualifications
  • find out what you think new resources should cover and what they should look like.

We’ve commissioned Strategic Research and Insight (SRI), an independent research agency in Cardiff, to talk to learning providers and social care employers so you can share your views.

SRI will be carrying out online interviews throughout January and February. The interviews will last 30 to 45 minutes and can be carried out in Welsh or English. Once all the interviews are done, SRI will also host two focus groups with learners.

We’d really value your input into this research. Your feedback will help make learning resources better, to support the delivery of Essential Skills Wales qualifications.

If you would like to take part, please get in touch by emailing kate.dibble@socialcare.wales