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Why use this framework

Explains why you should use the framework.

An engaged, healthy and motivated workforce is one of the key aims of the workforce strategy for health and social care.

Research has shown that having the right working environment is good for the health and well-being of staff. Staff who are positive about their job and their organisation deliver better services. For the sector, this means a culture of compassionate, high quality and safe care for people who need support.

Staff who are supported with their well-being are also more likely to stay with an organisation.

In recent years, legislation, policy and strategy have focused more on well-being. We understand better conversations with the sector about workforce well-being are important, and help us understand the challenges and issues.

The clear and strong message from the sector is that the workforce needs to feel better valued and supported, with the following issues being contributing factors:

  • differences in terms and conditions – particularly in lower paid jobs
  • unachievable workload impacted by recruitment and retention issues
  • a lack of training or vision for digital solutions in the sector.

We recognise there are longer-term solutions needed to address these issues. This framework can’t resolve these issues, but it does offer ideas to manage these pressures.

Further research with the sector identified two main themes for this framework:

  • creating working environments which support good health and well-being
  • supporting the workforce to maintain and improve their health and well-being.

This framework will help you make positive changes within your organisation where you can. You should use it to improve the health and well-being of the workforce, with an emphasis on culture, inclusion and compassionate leadership.

Email wellbeing@socialcare.wales for more information about how the framework model was developed and a description of each stage.

First published: 12 June 2023
Last updated: 6 February 2025
Series last updated: 6 February 2025
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