Our annual report summarises the main areas of progress achieved in the third full year of the strategy.

Social Care Wales annual report 2023 to 2024: Achieving during challenging times
In October 2020, together with Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) we launched Our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care, to support the implementation of A Healthier Wales.
The social care sector continues to face a number of challenges which are set within the context of significant financial challenges and historical underfunding. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic will continue to be felt for years to come and the cost-of-living crisis is negatively affecting communities.
There are also major workforce challenges within the social care sector. It is difficult to attract and recruit staff and to retain the existing workforce. This is amid a continually growing demand for children’s services and adult services, because of an ageing population and people’s desire to live longer at home.
In response to these difficulties, we will continue to provide the support the workforce and employers need, by working quickly to implement the commitments set out in the workforce strategy.
Despite these ongoing challenges we have made progress during 2023 to 2024, our third full year of delivering the strategy. These achievements and improvements should be celebrated.
This report summarises the main areas of progress achieved in our programmes of work during 2023 to 2024, along with our work in partnership with Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW).
The workforce strategy provides actions across all services and settings, but this report also specifically mentions the activities and progress against each of the workforce plans we have developed since we launched the workforce strategy.
These are:
Well-being, the Welsh language, and inclusion are the golden threads of the workforce strategy that run through all our themes and actions. They continue to play an essential part in the culture change needed to provide vital modern, person- centred services for the people of Wales.
We have made this progress at the same time as carrying out significant engagement work. We consulted on the actions and content of the next stage of implementation, which led to the Social Care Workforce Delivery Plan 2024 to 2027 . This is in line with our first formal review period, as promised in the original strategy.
In the future we will be able to report against the Social Care Workforce Delivery Plan 2024 to 2027 where we have identified a range of qualitative and quantitative measures. The future annual report will therefore include both a report of progress in terms of narrative and quantitative information.
Our progress in 2023 to 2024
1. An engaged, motivated, and healthy workforce
2. Attraction and recruitment
3. Seamless working models
4. Building a digitally ready workforce
5. Excellent education and training
6. Leadership and succession
7. Workforce supply and shape
Work to come
We will develop the following areas of work further in 2024 to 2025.
- carry out research to understand the challenges agencies face, looking at how we can support them. This includes building relationships and creating resources for agencies and employers who use agency staff, to make sure they are aware of their regulatory responsibilities
- develop and deliver a post qualifying framework for social work
- review the ‘Consolidation of practice - first three years’ guidance for social work
- work with the Wales Local Government Association (WLGA) to provide workforce planning training to social services departments within local authorities
- Identify and consider with national partners the costed options for a national model of workforce planning support
- review codes of practice, practice guidance and fitness to practice principles
- review our approach and process for recording ongoing CPD, to support registered people to record their CPD easily, and in an accessible way
- develop national resources for use with Essential Skills Qualifications part 2
- look at how to improve career pathways and offer clarity on mandatory training, qualification and CPD requirements
- carry out a digital maturity and literacy assessment with the social care sector in Wales.
As a sector we continue to aspire to achieve the ambition of the 10-year strategy and we will continue to support collaborative working across health and social care, between local organisations and national bodies working in social partnership.
The work achieved in phase one since the strategy’s launch has allowed us to gain a momentum we can build upon in future years, in-line with our longer-term goals.
The Social care workforce delivery plan 2024 to 2027, outlines the clear set of actions for phase two of the strategy’s delivery, so we can continue to support and develop the workforce.
Social Care Wales, June 2024
Workforce strategy annual report 2023 - 2024DOCX 192KB