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Safeguarding standards group E

National safeguarding training, learning and development standards - group E

Important points to note

  1. These standards refer to some role examples, but do not identify all roles and responsibilities across the sector. It is incumbent, therefore, on organisations to identify within their own workforce which roles fit into the specific groups. When determining appropriate training for each individual member of staff, the organisation will need to satisfy itself which group each staff member will fit into. If organisations or managers are unsure of which group is the appropriate one, and the role may straddle more than one group, the expectation is that the practitioner will be trained up to the higher group, for example if a worker straddles group B and C, then they should be trained at group C level.
  2. Throughout the standards, any practitioner commencing in a new role from group B onwards, it is expected that they will have completed training in the previous groups prior to commencement in role. If not, they should be supported to complete the training within the first six months of their induction period.
  3. In groups C to E there is an expectation that practitioners will undertake both generic and role specific training. The generic section will include training that all practitioners in these groups will need to complete regardless of role or organisation. In addition to the generic training, however, the role specific training will need to be formally agreed as part of the individual’s personal training and development plan and will reflect the specific elements within their role and responsibilities.

Roles and responsibilities

The roles in group E are those who have the ‘final decision or say’ about safeguarding decisions during the safeguarding process. They can advise about high level, complex situations and ‘make a call’ about any safeguarding decisions that need to be made.

Certain decisions in the safeguarding process can’t be made below this level. These include the higher levels of care and support packages (placements) that are sometimes needed because of safeguarding concerns. Some agencies may not have people that operate at this level because of the high level of expertise, knowledge and decision-making powers – directly relating to the safeguarding process – needed.

The people who operate at this level would also advise other agencies on their area of expertise and would be able to lead regional or Wales and UK National safeguarding work in this area. They would routinely be involved in regional or national groups that look at safeguarding issues, including national initiatives and complex reviews.

Group E practitioners wouldn’t necessarily be the people at the highest levels in organisations, as these may be in group F (which would consist of elected members, board members and chief executives). The people in group F have higher decision-making powers in general but wouldn’t get involved in the details of the safeguarding process and making decisions in relation to this process. They may not also have the knowledge needed to give specialist advice and guidance about safeguarding matters.

Memorable principles:
  • I have strategic oversight of every safeguarding matter in the organisation
  • I will aim to make sure we have enough resources to meet the organisation’s safeguarding duties
  • I will use my knowledge and influence to improve safeguarding practice regionally and nationally.

Group E: Specialist roles or sector leaders

a) Core competencies (sector leaders).

People may carry out these tasks or may delegate to others and will have oversight and accountability of, and for, the work.

  1. As set out in groups A to D.
  2. Provide support and make sure you contribute to safeguarding appraisal and provide appropriate oversight for safeguarding across the organisation.
  3. Ensure staff across the organisation have access to the necessary safeguarding training and development opportunities, and there’s protected time for learning. Be assured that evaluation and monitoring is taking place linked to findings and recommendations from practice reviews.
  4. Promote the ideal that all safeguarding training is multi-agency, wherever possible, from group B upwards.
  5. Be accountable for safeguarding quality assurance and improvement to make sure there are robust processes and to bring about innovation and change to improve safeguarding across the organisation.
  6. Take a strategic and professional lead across the organisation on all aspects of safeguarding.

b) Core competencies (specialist roles).

  1. Continue to maintain your skills and expertise in your specific field of knowledge to support the safeguarding process.
  2. Give strategic and expert advice and guidance, with the aim of continually improving the quality of safeguarding activity to improve outcomes for those identified as having safeguarding concerns.
  3. Providing specialist advice and guidance to, and managing the expectations of, commissioner organisations’ boards and executives on all matters relating to safeguarding, including regulation and inspection.
  4. Give strategic and expert advice to service planners and commissioners, making sure all services that are commissioned meet the statutory requirement to safeguard and promote the welfare of people.

Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values

Group E practitioners should have the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values set out in groups A to D.

c) Knowledge.

  1. An in-depth knowledge of relevant Wales and UK national and international policies and implications for practice.
  2. Understand all legislation relevant to safeguarding as listed within the Introduction section.
  3. Know when legal advice is needed in relation to court matters and be able to use this advice to decide on a course of action, if needed.
  4. Lead the implementation of national guidelines and audit the effectiveness and quality of services across the organisation against quality standards.
  5. Robust awareness of different specialties and professional roles within your organisation and other agencies.

d) Skills.

  1. Lead (or delegate) the organisation’s contribution to a safeguarding review (such as child practice reviews, adult practice reviews or domestic homicide reviews), drawing conclusions and developing an agreed action plan to address the lessons learned.
  2. Lead and collaborate with colleagues in local, regional and national safeguarding networks.
  3. Give supervision, appraisal and support for group D practitioners.
  4. Lead (or delegate) multi-disciplinary team reviews.
  5. Evaluate and update local procedures and policies in light of relevant Wales and UK national and international issues and developments.
  6. Reconcile differences of opinion among staff in your organisation and other agencies, including acting if a complaint is received from a partner agency about safeguarding practice.
  7. Proactively deal with strategic communications and the media (if needed by their role) on safeguarding across the organisation.
  8. Lead on, analyse and delegate robust safeguarding population-based needs assessments that establish current and future service requirements across the organisation.
  9. Influence decisions around service investment challenges and opportunities to safeguard people and present an evidence-base to executive officers.
  10. Give high-level strategic presentations to influence organisational development.
  11. Work in partnership on strategic projects with senior officers and safeguarding colleagues locally, regionally and nationally.

e) Attitudes and values.

As set out in groups A to D.

First published: 20 October 2022
Last updated: 6 February 2025
Series last updated: 6 February 2025
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