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Safeguarding standards group F

National safeguarding training, learning and development standards - group F

Important points to note

  1. These standards refer to some role examples, but do not identify all roles and responsibilities across the sector. It is incumbent, therefore, on organisations to identify within their own workforce which roles fit into the specific groups.

    When determining appropriate training for each individual member of staff, the organisation will need to satisfy itself which group each staff member will fit into.

    If organisations or managers are unsure of which group is the appropriate one, and the role may straddle more than one group, the expectation is that the practitioner will be trained up to the higher group, for example if a worker straddles group B and C, then they should be trained at group C level.
  2. Throughout the standards, any practitioner commencing in a new role from group B onwards, it is expected that they will have completed training in the previous groups prior to commencement in role. If not, they should be supported to complete the training within the first six months of their induction period.

Roles and responsibilities

Group F practitioners are the most senior people in an organisation. One person in any public sector organisation will be ultimately responsible for safeguarding. This would normally be about corporate safeguarding and this is not the same as being the highest decision maker in the safeguarding process (as set out here). All group F practitioners should have access to safeguarding advice and expertise from designated or named professionals.

Group F practitioners don’t need the same in-depth knowledge of safeguarding as group E practitioners because they don’t necessarily need to have the same level of expertise and skills. But they do need to have the basic awareness of safeguarding covered in group A. They will also need to complete relevant ad-hoc training, such as the Violence Against Women Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) and Single Unified Safeguarding Review that’s aimed at this group.

Memorable principles:
  • I provide leadership that embraces safeguarding in the public sector and promotes multi-agency working at all times
  • I understand the core elements of safeguarding and why this is an important area
  • I will be guided and provided with assurance by group E practitioners on areas of concern.

Group F: Specialist roles and sector leaders

(Equivalent to Level 5 in health)

a) Core competencies.

  1. As set out in group A.
  2. Ensure the organisation meets relevant Wales and UK national guidance and standards for safeguarding.
  3. Promote a positive culture of safeguarding, including making sure there are procedures for safer staff recruitment, whistleblowing, appropriate policies for safeguarding (including regular updating) and that staff and the public are aware the organisation takes safeguarding seriously and will respond to concerns about people’s welfare.
  4. Appoint an executive director lead for safeguarding.
  5. Ensure good safeguarding and protection practice is happening throughout the organisation.
  6. Ensure operational services are resourced to support and respond to the demands of safeguarding effectively.
  7. Ensure an effective safeguarding training and supervision strategy is resourced and provided.
  8. Ensure and promote appropriate, safe, multi-agency partnership working practices and make sure information sharing practices happen within the organisation.
  9. Ensure there are robust governance processes in place to provide assurance about safeguarding.
  10. Ensure child and adult safeguarding policies and procedures work effectively together.

b) Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.

  1. Understand the corporate parenting role and responsibilities for their organisation.
  2. Understand the potential causes and consequences of gross negligence.
  3. Understand the agencies involved in safeguarding and protection, their roles and responsibilities, and the importance of multi-agency co-operation.
  4. Understand about the statutory obligations to work with the regional safeguarding board and other safeguarding agencies, including the voluntary sector.
  5. Understand the ethical, legal and professional obligations around information sharing related to safeguarding and protection.
  6. Understand the statutory obligation to be involved, take part in and implement the learning from practice reviews, domestic homicide reviews and other review processes, such as the procedural response to unexpected deaths in children (PRUDIC).
  7. Understand about the need to provide and comply with staff training in commissioning and provider organisations and that this is an organisational necessity.
  8. Understand about the importance of safeguarding and protection policies for personnel, including the use of vetting and barring and safe recruitment. Be aware of the need to keep them up to date and to review them at regular intervals to make sure they continue to meet the organisation’s needs.
  9. Understand about the regulation and inspection processes and the implications for the organisation if the standards aren’t met by commissioners or providers.
  10. Understand the importance of regular reporting and monitoring of safeguarding arrangements within provider organisations.
  11. Understand the board level risk relating to safeguarding and the need to have arrangements in place for rapid notification and action for serious incidents, including reporting duties to the police in accordance with current legislation.
  12. Understand and be aware the board needs to have access to appropriate specialist advice about safeguarding and protection matters from designated professionals.
First published: 20 October 2022
Last updated: 6 February 2025
Series last updated: 6 February 2025
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